Let (A, G, α, τ) be a twisted covariant system such that G/Nτ is abelian, and let Nτ ⊆ M ⊆ H be closed subgroups of G. We show that inducing covariant representations from A ⋊α, τM to A ⋊α, τH is in a certain sense dual to restricting representations from (A⋊α, τG)⋊άM┴ to (A⋊α, τG)⋊άH┴, and that, similarly, restricting representations from A⋊α, τH to A⋊α, τM is dual to inducing representations from (A⋊τG)⋊άH┴ to (A ⋊α, τG)⋊άM┴.