The problem of locating and classifying the normal subgroups of GLn(R), the general linear group of degree n over a commutative ring R with an identity element, has received considerable attention. The solution when R is a field is well known (of. Dieudonné(5), Artin(1)): unless n is equal to two and R has two or three elements, normal subgroups of GLn(R) either lie in the centre of GLn(R) or contain the special linear group SLn(R). However, if R is not a field, then for each ideal I of R the natural map R → R/I induces a homomorphism
and, if 0 < I < R, the kernel of θ1 is a non-central normal subgroup of GLn(R) which does not contain SLn(R). The most that may be expected is that each normal subgroup determines an ideal I of R, in such a way that all normal subgroups determining the same ideal I lie between suitably defined greatest and smallest normal subgroups of GLn(R) corresponding to I. For example, write ZI for the inverse image of the centre of GLn(R/I) under the homomorphism θI, and write KI for the intersection of SLn(R) with the kernel of θI. Then KI ≽ ZI, and the results of Klingenberg(7) and Mennicke(9) show that if n ≥ 3, and if R is either a local ring or the ring of rational integers, then any normal subgroup H of GLn(R) satisfies
for some uniquely determined ideal I. There are many similar theorems. That the above result breaks down for arbitrary rings, even for large n, follows easily from the negative solution to the congruence subgroup problem for certain rings of algebraic integers (see Bass, Milnor and Serre(3)).