Let Σ denote the set of all series
of complex numbers. By a ‘summability method’, say A, we mean a function from some subset (the set of ‘A -summable series’) of Σ into the set of complex numbers. We will use the language generally associated with this definition, and will take for granted the case in which A is (C, 1). A summability method A will be called linear if, whenever a, b are A -summable, then so is λa + μb (where λ, μ are any complex constants) and if the. A -sums of a, b, λa + μb are then related in the natural way. We call A regular if, whenever a converges to σ, it is A -summable to σ. If A is a regular summability method, then any condition P on the series (1) will be called a Tauberian condition for A if any A -summable series which satisfies P is convergent.