Published online by Cambridge University Press: 16 January 2015
Let X0 be an infinite-type hyperbolic surface (whose boundary components, if any, are closed geodesics) which has an upper bounded pants decomposition. The length spectrum Teichmüller space Tls(X0) consists of all surfaces X homeomorphic to X0 such that the ratios of the corresponding simple closed geodesics are uniformly bounded from below and from above. Alessandrini, Liu, Papadopoulos and Su [1] described the Fenchel–Nielsen coordinates for Tls(X0) and using these coordinates they proved that Tls(X0) is path connected. We use the Fenchel–Nielsen coordinates for Tls(X0) to induce a locally bi-Lipschitz homeomorphism between l∞ and Tls(X0) (which extends analogous results by Fletcher [9] and by Allessandrini, Liu, Papadopoulos, Su and Sun [2] for the unreduced and the reduced Tqc(X0)). Consequently, Tls(X0) is contractible. We also characterize the closure in the length spectrum metric of the quasiconformal Teichmüller space Tqc(X0) in Tls(X0).