Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 October 2008
Let ordq (a) be the exponent with which a prime q occurs in the factorization of a rational number a ≠ 0 and, if ordq (a) = 0, let Mq(a) be the multiplicative group generated by a modulo q. In the course of a group-theoretical investigation J. S. Wilson found he needed some results about integers a, b such that Mq(a) = Mq(b), indeed also for algebraic integers, and he proved some of what he needed. J. W. S. Cassels observed that Wilson's argument naturally proved the existence of infinitely many primes q with Mq(a) = Mq(b) for rational integers a, b with ab > 0, |a| > 1, |b| > 1. J. G. Thompson found a proof for the case of integers a, b with ab < 0, |a| > 1, |b| > 1. He also posed the problem for rational a, b (all this is unpublished). The aim of this paper is to prove that the answer to Thompson's question is affirmative. We also include the case ab > 0 settled by Thompson himself. We use the same technique devised by Wilson which has been elaborated by Cassels and Thompson. We thank Professor Cassels for the simplification of our original exposition and the referee for his suggestions.