Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 July 2024
Connecticut presents a perfect case study of differential correctional treatment for young male and female offenders. The state controls two juvenile correctional institutions: the Long Lane School (LLS) in Middletown for girls and the Connecticut School for Boys (CSB) in Meriden. Both facilities have existed practically side-by-side for over a century under state management, yet they have evolved in markedly different ways. The boys' school has been in the throes of constant turmoil and consequently under severe public scrutiny throughout most of its operation. The administrators of the “farm for girls,” on the other hand, have run a very tight ship and take pride in their undisrupted tradition. As a result, the Connecticut School for Boys has bungled its way (albeit ineptly) into the twentieth century while the Long Lane School still prepares women to re-enter the community as nineteenth century domestics.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Special acknowledgments must go to the Connecticut Department of Children and Youth Services, former Commissioner Wayne R. Mucci and current Commissioner Frank H. Moloney for cooperation and information and to Barbara Bowman, former Director of the Legal Aid Agency of the District of Columbia, now on the law faculty at Stanford University, who taught a course at Yale Law School, Spring, 1971, on Women and the Law, for inspiration.