Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 October 2022
1. For example, Cuba in the World, edited by Cole Blasier and Carmelo Mesa-Lago (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1979); Revolutionary Cuba in the World Arena, edited by Martin Weinstein (Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1979); Cuba in Africa, edited by Carmelo Mesa-Lago and June Belkin, Latin American Monograph and Document Series, no. 3 (Pittsburgh: Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh, 1982); and Barry B. Levine, The New Cuban Presence in the Caribbean (Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1983).
2. This point should not be exaggerated. Some works on Cuban international relations have been published in Cuba beyond the journals of the think tanks. Noteworthy are Julio A. Díaz Vázquez, Cuba y el CAME (Havana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 1985) and his useful articles in Economía y Desarrollo. Similarly, former Foreign Trade Minister Marcelo Fernández Font has published the valuable Cuba y la economía azucarera mundial, Estudios e Investigaciones, no. 5 (Havana: Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales “Raúl Roa García,” 1986). Nor should Soviet scholarship be ignored. A good recent work is E. Grinevich's and B. Gvozdariov's Washington contra La Habana (Moscow: Editorial Progreso, 1986).
3. Comité Estatal de Estadísticas, Anuario Estadístico de Cuba, various years.