Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 October 2022
Attempts have been made at Latin American regional integration since the late 1950s, but on each occasion, high expectations have met with disappointing failures. In July 1986, however, a new phase began in the history of Latin American integration as Presidents Raúl Alfonsín of Argentina and José Sarney of Brazil signed the Argentina-Brazil Economic Integration Pact (ABEIP).
I would like to thank the following persons for discussing various aspects of the integration process during my field research in Argentina and Brazil: Pérsio Arida, Elvio Baldinelli, Raúl Beranger, José María Dagnino Pastore, Marcelo Diamand, Monica Hirst, Bernardo Kosacoff, Gustavo Jorge Laboissiere Loyola, Roberto Lavagna, Luiz Carlos Mendoça de Barros, Carlos Moyano Llerena, Arnaldo Musich, María Beatriz Nofal, Fernando Porta, Carlos Alberto Primo Braga, and John Welch. Special thanks go to the CEPAL staff in Buenos Aires and more particularly to Daniel Heymann, Fernando Navajas, and José María Puppo for supporting this research project during the summer of 1988 and the spring of 1989. Also, Andrea Quirós and Patricia Baxendale greatly facilitated my research in Buenos Aires. In São Paulo, Márcio França Domingues did a superb job in supplying me with statistical data. Finally, I am indebted to three anonymous LAR referees and Marco Dell'Aquila for their comments. All remaining errors and omissions are mine.