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Mozart's Requiem: A Revaluation of the Evidence
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 January 2020
The front cover of Cod. 17561a in the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, bears the following inscription: ‘Dieses vollständige Requiem, bestehend aus Bl. 1–64, wurde im Jahre 1838 angekauft’ (‘This complete Requiem, consisting of ff. 1–64, was acquired in 1838’). Similarly, on Cod. 17561b we read: ‘Dieses unvollständige Requiem ist aus zwei Bruchstücken zusammengesetzt: (1) Bl. 65–86 (alt 11–32) wurden vom Abbé Stadler gekauft. (2) Bl. 87–99 (alt 33–45) wurden vom Hof-Kapellmeister Eybler geschenkt’ (‘This incomplete Requiem is assembled from two fragments: (1) ff. 65–86 (olim 11–32) were bought from Abbé Stadler. (2) ff. 87–99 (olim 33–45) were presented by Hof-Kapellmeister Eybler‘).
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1 Nowak, Leopold, ‘Die Erwerbung des Mozart-Requiems durch die K K. Hofbibliothek im Jahre 1838’, Festschrift Josef Stummvoll, ed. Josef Mayerhöfer and Walter Ritzer (Vienna, 1970), 295–310; cited in Heinz Gärtner, Mozarts Requiem und die Geschäfte der Constanze Mozart (Munich, 1986), 244–5Google Scholar
2 Requiem Mozarts Fragment mit den Ergänzungen von Eybler und Süssmayr, ed Leopold Nowak, Neue Mozart-Ausgabe, I/1, Abteilung 2/2 (Kassel, 1965, henceforth NMA 2), 37–199.Google Scholar
3 See below.Google Scholar
4 NMA 2, 1–33, Requiem Mozarts Fragment, ed Leopold Nowak, Neue Mozart-Ausgabe, I/1, Abteilung 2/1 (Kassel, 1965, henceforth NMA 1), 47–58.Google Scholar
5 Not 1831 as commonly thought: see Vincent and Mary Novello, A Mozart Pilgrimage, ed. Nerina Medici and Rosemary Hughes (London, 1955), 129–32.Google Scholar
6 Ignaz Franz von Mosel, Uber die Originalpartitur des Requiems von Mozart (Vienna, 1839), partly translated in William Watson, ‘An Astounding Forgery’, Music and Letters, 8 (1927), 61–72Google Scholar
7 Mozart Briefe und Aufzeichnungen, ed Wilhelm A. Bauer, Otto Erich Deutsch and Joseph H Eibl (Kassel, 1962–75, henceforth Briefe), vi, 659–60.Google Scholar
8 Deutsch, Otto Erich, ‘Zur Geschichte von Mozarts Requiem’, Osterreichische Musikzeitschrift, 19 (1964), 49–60 (reproduction with commentary of Anton Herzog, ‘Wahre und ausführliche Geschichte des Requiem von W A. Mozart’, Wiener-Neustadt, Städt. Sammlungen, Lit B 1692).Google Scholar
9 See Abert, Hermann, W A Mozart (5th, rev. edn of Otto Jahn's Mozart, Leipzig, 1919–21), 709–10, 850–87, 1019–34.Google Scholar
10 See Gärtner, Mozarts Requiem, 305, n. 105.Google Scholar
11 Deutsch, Otto Erich, Mozart A Documentary Biography (London, 1965), 552.Google Scholar
12 To Breitkopf und Härtel, 18 October 1799, Briefe, iv, 278.Google Scholar
13 Niemetschek, Franz Xaver, Leben des k k Kapellmeisters Wolfgang Gottlieb Mozart nach Onginalquellen beschrieben (Prague, 1798), trans. Helen Mautner, Life of Mozart (London, 1956), 42 There is a fuller discussion of this in Alan Tyson, Mozart Studies of the Autograph Scores (Cambridge, Mass., 1987), 26–8.Google Scholar
14 The Letters of Mozart and his Family, trans and ed Emily Anderson (London, 1938), rev Stanley Sadie and Fiona Smart (London, 1985, henceforth Letters), 953–65.Google Scholar
15 To Breitkopf und Härtel, 30 January 1800, Briefe, iv, 309.Google Scholar
16 1 October 1826; Plath, Wolfgang, ‘Requiembriefe Aus der Korrespondenz Joh. Anton Andrés 1825–1831’, Mozart-Jahrbuch 1976–7, 197–8Google Scholar
17 There were, however, several abortive attempts to start a Mass between 1787 and 1791' see Tyson, Alan, ‘The Mozart Fragments in the Mozarteum, Salzburg’, Journal of the American Musicological Society, 34 (1981), 471–510Google Scholar
18 Niemetschek, Life of Mozart, 43.Google Scholar
19 See Deutsch, , A Documentary Biography, 393–4; also Robert Moberly and Christopher Raeburn, ‘The Mozart Version of La Clemenza di Tito’, The Music Review, 31 (1970), 285–94.Google Scholar
20 K.622 is dated 28 September in Mozart's catalogue. But see his letter to Constanze of 7 October 1791, Letters, 967Google Scholar
21 Niemetschek, Life of Mozart, 43Google Scholar
22 Carl Bär, Mozart Krankheit–Tod–Begräbnis (Salzburg, 1966), 103.Google Scholar
23 See Niemetschek, , Life of Mozart, 44, Deutsch, A Documentary Biography, 440, also Georg N. Nissen, Biographie W A Mozarts (Leipzig, 1828), 572.Google Scholar
24 Bär, Mozart, passimGoogle Scholar
25 Alfred Schnerich, foreword to facsimile edition of the Mozart autograph, Mozarts Requiem (Vienna, 1913), 11–21; Nowak, NMA 1, x–xi, and ‘Das Requiem von W. A. Mozart. Einige Fragen und Probleme’, Österreichische Musikzeitschrift, 20 (1965), 395–9.Google Scholar
26 I am grateful to Dr Alan Tyson for information on these.Google Scholar
27 Facsimile and transcription in NMA 1, 60–1. See also Wolfgang Plath, ‘Über Skizzen zu Mozarts Requiem’, Bericht über den internationalen musikwissenschaftlichen Kongress Kassel 1962 (Kassel, 1963), 184–7Google Scholar
28 NMA 1, ixGoogle Scholar
29 W A Mozart Requiem K V 626 Instrumentation Franz Beyer (Zurich, 1971). see also Beyer, , ‘Mozarts (Composition zum Requiem’, Acta Mozartiana, 28 (1971), 27–31Google Scholar
30 19 October 1828; Plath, ‘Requiembriefe’, 200–1.Google Scholar
31 ‘Wer hat die Instrumentalstimmen in der Kyrie-Fuge des Requiems von W A Mozart geschrieben?’, Mozart-Jahrbuch 1973–4, 191–201.Google Scholar
32 Hinted at in Dieter Schickling, ‘Einige ungeklärte Fragen zur Geschichte der Requiem-Vollendung’, Mozart-Jahrbuch 1976–7, 271–2Google Scholar
33 See Appendix 2.Google Scholar
34 ‘Neues aus der Mozart-Forschung’, Acta Mozartiana, 28 (1971), 32 See also Johannes Dalchow, Gunther Duda and Dieter Kemer, Mozarts Tod 1791–1971 (Pähl, 1971), 284–7.Google Scholar
35 Nowak, ‘Das Requiem’, 395–9Google Scholar
36 Deutsch, A Documentary Biography, 426 (reproduction of Wiener-Neustadt, Städt. Sammlungen, Lit B 1695) Easter Day 1792 fell on 8 April, making the middle of Lent mid-March.Google Scholar
37 Briefe, iv, 491–2Google Scholar
38 See, for example, Haydn to Eybler, 22 March 1789, Deutsch, A Documentary Biography, 338.Google Scholar
39 See Haas, Robert, ‘Joseph Leopold Edler von Eybler’, Mozart-Jahrbuch 1952, 61–4.Google Scholar
40 Briefe, iv, 109, also Constanze to Stadler, 31 May 1827, ibid., 492.Google Scholar
41 Quoted by Bär, Mozart, 36Google Scholar
42 Deutsch, A Documentary Biography, 366–7Google Scholar
43 Ibid., 425.Google Scholar
44 Ibid., 536–7Google Scholar
45 See Hintermaier, Ernst, ‘Eine frühe Requiem-Anekdote in einer Salzburger Zeitung’, Österreichische Musikzeitschnft, 26 (1971), 436–7; also Karl Pfannhauser, ‘Epilegomena Mozartiana’, Mozart-Jahrbuch 1971–2, 291–2.Google Scholar
46 Deutsch, A Documentary Biography, 439Google Scholar
47 Briefe. iv, 178–9.Google Scholar
48 See Nowak, NMA 2, ix, and especially Schickling, ‘Einige ungeklärte Fragen’, 272–3Google Scholar
49 See Streicher to André, 12 March 1826; Plath. ‘Requiembriefe’, 182.Google Scholar
50 There are six differences between the two just so far as vocal and bass parts are concerned.Google Scholar
51 Letters, 952–3Google Scholar
52 Ibid., 953–71 ‘Snai’ seems to be used by Mozart not just to refer to Süssmayr, but in other contexts, as an exclamationGoogle Scholar
53 To Stadler, 31 May 1827, Briefe, iv, 492Google Scholar
54 Sleeve-note to the recording by The Academy of Ancient Music, director Christopher Hogwood, on Decca 411 712–1/2/4Google Scholar
55 To Nissen, 7 April 1825, Letters, 975–7Google Scholar
56 To Breitkopf und Härtel, 27 March 1799, Briefe, iv, 234Google Scholar
57 See above, note 53.Google Scholar
58 See, for the extravagant view, Schickling, ‘Einige ungeklärte Fragen’, 265–8, and Francis Carr, Mozart and Constanze (London, 1983), 103–11 A more sober viewpoint is Joseph H Eibl, ‘Süssmayr und Constanze – Bemerkungen zu einem biographischen Detail in dem vorausgehenden Beitrag von Dieter Schickling’, Mozart-Jahrbuch 1976–7, 277–80. See also Gärtner, Mozarts Requiem, 43–4Google Scholar
59 Stadler, Maximilian, Vertheidigung der Echtheit des Mozartschen Requiems (Vienna, 1826), 16Google Scholar
60 To André, 1 October 1826; Plath, ‘Requiembriefe’, 197–8 See also Briefe, iv, 608–9.Google Scholar
61 See NMA 2, xvii.Google Scholar
62 At some stage Süssmayr no doubt made one or more copies of the completed manuscript In 1800 he returned a copy of the Sanctus as well as the autograph of ff. 11–32 (see Constanze to Breitkopf und Härtel, 2 June 1802; Briefe, iv, 421)Google Scholar
63 Blume, Friedrich, ‘Requiem und kein Ende’, Syntagma musicologicum, ed Martin Ruhnke (Kassel, 1963), 714–34, trans. Nathan Broder, ‘Requiem but no Peace’, Musical Quarterly, 47 (1961), 147–69.Google Scholar
64 Deutsch, A Documentary Biography, 467.Google Scholar
65 To Breitkopf und Härtel, 17 November 1799, Briefe, iv, 296Google Scholar
66 Deutsch, A Documentary Biography, 536–7.Google Scholar
67 From letters to Gottfried Weber by Carl Maria von Weber, 29 November 1825, and Joannes Miksch, 16 March 1826: Cäcilia, 4 (1826), 302, 309Google Scholar
68 See Cäcilia, 4 (1826), 308. Also Friedrich Schlichtegroll, Mozarts Leben (Graz, 1794), facsimile ed. Joseph H. Eibl (Kassel, 1974). Schlichtegroll's necrology shows clearly that he knew Mozart had not completed the Requiem. He was also aware of the first performance Constanze was apparently ‘not satisfied’ with his work!Google Scholar
69 See Deutsch, , A Documentary Biography, 468, 552–3.Google Scholar
70 See above, note 56Google Scholar
71 Pole, William F, The Story of Mozart's Requiem (London, 1879), 75Google Scholar
72 See Fischer, Wilhelm, ‘Das “Lacrimosa dies illa” in Mozarts Requiem’, Mozart-Jahrbuch 1951, 9–21, Robert Handke, ‘Zur Lösung der Benedictusfrage in Mozarts Requiem’, Zeitschrift fur Musikwissenschaft, 1 (1918–19), 108–30, Ernst Hess, ‘Zur Ergänzung des Requiems von Mozart durch F. X. Süssmayr’, Mozart-Jahrbuch 1959, 99–108; Marguerre, Karl, ‘Mozart und Sušsmayer’, Mozart-Jahrbuch 1962–3, 172–7Google Scholar
73 See above, note 54Google Scholar
74 Published in Neue Mozart-Ausgabe, I/10, Abteilung 30/1 These were the notebooks assigned by Mozart to his pupil, the Englishman Thomas Attwood, who studied with him between autumn 1785 and August 1786. See Heartz, Daniel, ‘Thomas Attwood's Lessons in Composition with Mozart’, Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, 100 (1973–4), 175–83Google Scholar
75 Maunder, Richard, Mozart's Requiem On Preparing a New Edition (Oxford, 1988) I am grateful to Dr Maunder for letting me see a draft of parts of his book prior to publicationGoogle Scholar
76 Letters, 950, 965–6Google Scholar
77 A performance given on 6 March 1985 by The Oxford Chamber Choir used an edition prepared by Simon Andrews which doubles the length of the ‘Osanna’ fugue and adds a two-bar modulatory passage at the end of the Benedictus, to allow the second statement of the ‘Osanna’ to return in the same key as the first.Google Scholar
78 Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, Cod 17559Google Scholar
79 See particularly Nowak, NMA 2, xii–xivGoogle Scholar
80 Blume, ‘Requiem but no Peace’, 159–62.Google Scholar
81 See Stadler, Maximilian, Zweyter und letzter Nachtrag zur Vertheidtgung der Echtheit des Mozartschen Requiems (Vienna, 1827), 20Google Scholar
82 NMA 1, xiv–xv.Google Scholar
83 Published by Breitkopf und Härtel, no 6330 (Wiesbaden, 1962).Google Scholar
84 Introit and Kyrie in Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich, 83 (Vienna, 1938), autograph in Vienna, Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde Attention was first drawn to the resemblance by Edward Dent, ‘The Forerunners of Mozart's Requiem’, Monthly Musical Record, 37 (1907), 148–50Google Scholar
85 Vertheidtgung, 17.Google Scholar
86 Constanze to Breitkopf und Härtel, 15 June 1799; Briefe, iv, 245–6.Google Scholar
87 See also Niemetschek to Breitkopf und Härtel, 10 August 1811, Briefe, iv, 455.Google Scholar
88 Kellner, A., Musikgeschichte des Stiftes Kremsmünster (Kassel, 1956), 504, quoted in Gärtner, Mozarts Requiem, 156.Google Scholar
89 Schnerich, Mozarts Requiem, 19.Google Scholar
90 11 October to 12 November 1800, and 26 November 1800; Briefe, iv, 380, 387Google Scholar
91 2 June 1802; ibid., 421–2.Google Scholar
92 C-G Stellan Mörner, ‘F. S. Silverstolpes im Jahr 1800 (oder 1801) in Wien niedergeschriebene Bemerkungen zu Mozarts Requiem’, Festschrift Alfred Orel (Vienna, 1960). 113–20.Google Scholar
93 See H. C Robbins Landon, Haydn: The Years of ‘The Creation’, 1796–1800 (London, 1977), 250Google Scholar
94 See for example Karl Geiringer, ‘The Church Music’, The Mozart Companion, ed. H. C. Robbins Landon and Donald Mitchell (London, 1956), 373.Google Scholar
95 Blume, ‘Requiem but no Peace’, 147–8.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
96 See Sabel, Hans, ‘Maximilian Stadler und W. A. Mozart’, Neues Mozart-Jahrbuch, 3 (1943), 102–4.Google Scholar
97 To Nissen, 3 April 1826, Briefe, vi, 630.Google Scholar
98 See Nowak, NMA 2, ix–x, also Schickling, ‘Einige ungeklärte Fragen’, 271–3.Google Scholar
99 See above, note 16.Google Scholar
100 I am grateful to the staff at the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek for their helpGoogle Scholar
101 No other examples of this paper-type are known either to Dr Tyson or to myselfGoogle Scholar
102 See Johnson, Douglas, Alan Tyson and Robert Winter, The Beethoven Sketchbooks History, Reconstruction, Inventory (Oxford, 1985), 559Google Scholar
103 Cited in Gärtner, Mozarts Requiem, 80Google Scholar
104 16 April 1796, Deutsch, A Documentary Biography, 480–1Google Scholar
105 Cäcilia, 4 (1826), 297. These copies were for the Duke of Saxony and the King of PrussiaGoogle Scholar
106 Ibid., 288Google Scholar
107 Niemetschek, Life of Mozart, 44Google Scholar
108 Gärtner, Mozarts Requiem, 96–7Google Scholar
109 Stadler, Vertheidigung, 9–10 See also Deutsch, A Documentary Biography, 486, 489Google Scholar
110 Briefe, iv, 233–4, and vi, 467Google Scholar
111 The copy that Constanze sent to Breitkopf und Härtel is now lost. Constanze gave it to Stadler, who reported in 1825 that it was in the hands of Baron Carl von Doppelhof (see von Mosel to Stadler, 4 August 1825; Briefe, vi, 608–9).Google Scholar
112 Announcements in Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung, 2 (1799), Intelligenzblatt xix, cols. 97ff.; also Frankfurter Staatsrisetto, 8 October 1799.Google Scholar
113 Deutsch. A Documentary Biography, 488Google Scholar
114 Mörner, ‘F S Silverstolpes. Bemerkungen’, 115Google Scholar
115 Constanze to Breitkopf und Härtel, 30 January 1800, Briefe, iv, 309–10Google Scholar
116 Stadler, Vertheidigung, 15Google Scholar
117 The title-page reads: ‘W. A. Mozarts Missa pro Defunctis / Requiem / W. A Mozarts Seelenmesse mit unterlegtem deutschem Texte’.Google Scholar
118 Mörner, ‘F S. Silverstolpes. Bemerkungen’, 117.Google Scholar
119 This copy was sent to André on 26 January 1801 and used to prepare his vocal score (1801) and his first full edition (1827).Google Scholar
120 Stockholm, Kungliga Musikaliska Akademiens Bibliotek I have not been able to see this copyGoogle Scholar
121 See Streicher to André, 12 March 1826; Plath, ‘Requiembriefe’, 182 This copy, if it ever existed, has never been found.Google Scholar
122 To Breitkopf und Härtel, Briefe, iv, 421–2Google Scholar
123 Ibid., 296Google Scholar
124 See above, note 16Google Scholar
125 26 November 1800, Briefe, iv, 387.Google Scholar
126 Constanze to André, 3 April 1802; ibid., 416.Google Scholar
127 See Stadler to von Mosel, 29 March 1826, and to Nissen, 3 April 1826; Briefe, vi, 627–30.Google Scholar
128 One particularly interesting polemic is Georg L. P. Sievers, Mozart und Süssmayer (Mainz, 1829).Google Scholar
129 See Cäcilia, 3 (1825), 205–28Google Scholar
130 Berliner musikalische Zeitung (1825), 371ff See also Cäcilia, 4 (1826), 320ff.Google Scholar
131 To Weber, 29 July 1825; Plath, ‘Requiembriefe’, 175–6 See also the preface to André's 1827 edition (note 142 below).Google Scholar
132 Letters, 1st edn (London, 1938), iii, 1461Google Scholar
133 Ibid., 1482Google Scholar
134 To Breitkopf und Härtel, 10 August 1811, Briefe, iv, 455Google Scholar
135 To Nissen, 3 April 1826, Briefe, vi, 630.Google Scholar
136 Briefe, iv, 474.Google Scholar
137 Cäcilia, 4 (1826), 167–9. See also letter to Marx, 22 January 1826; Plath, ‘Requiembriefe’, 177.Google Scholar
138 See above, note 53Google Scholar
139 See above, note 127, and also Streicher to André, 1 April 1826; Plath, ‘Requiembriefe’, 187.Google Scholar
140 C. A André to his father, 27 September; Stadler to André, 1 October, ibid., 195–7.Google Scholar
141 Ibid., 186.Google Scholar
142 Johann Anton André, W A. Mozarti Missa pro defunctis Requiem. Partitur Neue, nach Mozarts und Süssmayrs Handschriften berichtigte Ausgabe Nebst einem Vorbericht von Anton André (Offenbach, 1827), Pl. no. 5018.Google Scholar
143 25 July 1826; Plath, ‘Requiembriefe’, 189–94.Google Scholar
144 23 December 1825 and 3 January 1826. First mentioned in Cäcilta, 4 (1826), 306; printed ibid., 6 (1827), 217, 221ff.Google Scholar
145 ‘Requiem but no Peace’, 167–8Google Scholar
146 Cäcilia, 4 (1826), 269–72.Google Scholar
147 See Stadler, , Zwei Nachträge zur Vertheidigung der Echtheit des Mozartschen Requiems (Vienna, 1827), and Weber in Cäcilia, 6 (1827), 133–51.Google Scholar
148 See Stadler to André, 19 October 1828; Plath, ‘Requiembriefe’, 200Google Scholar
149 Johann Anton André, Partitur des Dies irae, Tuba mirum, Rex tremendae, Recordare, Confutatis, Lacrymosa, Domine Jesu und Hostias von W. A Mozarts Requiem so wie solche Mozart eigenhändig geschrieben und Abbé Stadler kopiert hat (Offenbach, 1829), Pl. no. 5246.Google Scholar
150 12 November 1828, Plath, ‘Requiembriefe’, 201–2Google Scholar
151 Ibid., 203Google Scholar
152 I would like to thank Dr Edward Olleson and Dr Alan Tyson for their help during the preparation of this paperGoogle Scholar
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