Correction in Book-notice, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, July and October, 1918, p. 631:—
Owing to two of the printers' characters having fallen out at the ends of the third and second lines from below, the translation of the Babylonian tablet there given is somewhat confused. I therefore repeat it here:—
“A field, as much as there is, a field of sesame and grain, the field of Ḫadi-wamer-Šamaš, Rammānu-šarri-ili and Ḫadi-wamer-Šamaš have hired from Ḫadi-wamer-Šamaš, the lord of the field, as a (field of) partnership, for a year.”
Portions of a phrase omitted in compiling the Book-notice have also been inserted.
Correction in the JRAS. for October, 1917:—
p. 731, in the last line but one of the Translation, for “As we would not disobey thee”, read “So as not to disobey (?) thee”.
pp. 732–3, strike out “In all probability”, etc., to the end of the paragraph.