Volume 68 - Issue 3 - July 1936
Reviews of Books
Die Kosmographische Episode im Mahābhārata und Padmapurāna. By Luise Hilgenberg. Bonner Orientalistische Studien, Heft 4. 9½ × 6½, pp. liii + 40. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 1934. R.M. 9.
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- 15 March 2011, pp. 516-517
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Tuḥfat el A'yân bi sîrat ahl 'Umân. By 'Abdallâh ibn Ḥumaid es Sâlimî. Edited and annotated by Ibrahim ibn Iṭfayish el Jazâ'iri. 9 × 6½. Arabic text. Volume I (2nd edition), pp. 302, Cairo, 1350 (1931). Volume II, pp. 316, Cairo, 1347 (1928). London A. Probsthain. 12s.
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- 15 March 2011, pp. 517-518
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Répertoire Chronologique d'Épigraphie Arabe. Tome cinquième. Publié, etc., sous la directionde Ét. Combe, J. Sauvaget et G. Wiet. Publications de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale. 11¼ × 9, pp. 193. Le Caire: Imprimerie de l'Institut français d'archéologic orientale, 1934.
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- 15 March 2011, pp. 518-519
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1. Iṣṭasiddhi of Vimuktātman with Extracts from the Vivaraņa of Jñānottama. Edited by M. Hiriyanna. Gaekwad's Oriental Series, LXV. 9½ × 6, pp. xxxvi + 697. Baroda: Oriental Institute, 1935. Rs. 14.
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- 15 March 2011, pp. 519-520
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2. Siddhāntabindu of Madhusūdana with the commentary of Purushottama. Edited and translated by Prahlād Chandrashekhar Divānji. Gaekwad's Oriental Series, LXIV. 9½ × 6, pp. 24 + cxlii + 93 + 306. Baroda: Oriental Institute, 1933. Rs. 11.
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- 15 March 2011, pp. 519-520
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3. Shabara-Bhāṣya. Translated into English by Ganganatha Jha. Gaekwad's Oriental Series, LXVI and LXX. 9½ × 6, (Vol. I) pp. xv + 1–706, (Vol. II) pp. xx + 707–1416. Baroda: Oriental Institute, 1933 and 1934. Rs. 16 each volume.
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- 15 March 2011, pp. 519-520
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Nāṭyaśāstra, with the commentary of Abhinavagupta. Edited by M. Ramakrishna Kavi. Volume II. Gaekwad's Oriental Series, LXVIII. 9½ × 6½, pp. xxiii + 25 + 460 + iv. Baroda: Oriental Institute, 1934. Rs. 5.
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- 15 March 2011, pp. 520-521
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An Early Mystic of Baghdad. A study of the life and teaching of Ḥārith b. Asad al-Muḥāsibī, A.D. 781–857. By Margaret Smith. 8½ × 5½, pp. xi + 311. London: The Sheldon Press. 1935. 15s.
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- 15 March 2011, pp. 522-523
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Persian Literature. A bio-bibliographical Survey. By C. A. Storey. Section II, fasciculus 1: (A) General History; (B) The Prophets and Early Islam. 8½ × 5½, pp. xl + 175. London: Luzac and Co., 1935.
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- 15 March 2011, pp. 523-524
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The Bucheum. By SirRobert Mond and O. H. Myers. Forty-first Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Society. 12½ × 10. Vol. i, pp. xii + 203—History and Archæology of the Site. Vol. ii, pp. 92—The Inscriptions. Vol. iii, pls. clxxiii—The Plates. London: (Egypt Exploration Society), Humphrey Milford, 1934.
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- 15 March 2011, pp. 524-526
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La Place d'Al-Fârâbî dans l'École Philosophique Musulmane. By Ibrahim Madkour. 10 × 6½, pp. x + 254. Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1934.
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- 15 March 2011, pp. 526-527
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Kundakundācārya's Pravacanasāra. Critically edited, with the Sanskrit Commentaries of Amṛtacandra and Jayasena, and a Hindī commentary of Pāṇḍe Hemarāja, and an English translation, by A. N. Upadhye, Professor of Ardhamāgadhī, Rajaram College, Kolhapur. 2nd ed. 10 × 7, pp. 14 + cxxvi + 376 + 61. Bombay: Shetha Manilal Revashankar Jhaveri for the Parama-Śruta-Prabhābaka-Maṇḍala, 1935. Rs. 5.
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- 15 March 2011, pp. 528-529
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The Tuhfa I Sami (Section V) of Sam Mirza Safawi. Edited in the original Persian, with an index, Persian and English prefaces, variants and notes, by Mawlawi Iqbal Husain. 9½ × 6¼, pp. vii + iii + 193 + 8. Patna: Printed at Shanti Press, Allahabad for Patna University, 1934.
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- 15 March 2011, p. 530
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Kitāb al-Awrāk. (Section on Contemporary Poets.) By Abū Bakr Muḥammad B. Yaḥyā al-Ṣūlī. Edited by J. Heyworth Dunne. 9½ × 6½, pp. xi + 256 + 17. London: Luzac & Co., 1934.
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- 15 March 2011, p. 531
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Son of Heaven. A Biography of Li Shih-min, founder of the T'ang Dynasty. By C. P. Fitzgerald. 8½ × 5½, pp. ix + 232, pls. 3, maps 9, ill. 1. Cambridge University Press, 1933. 12 s. 6 d.
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- 15 March 2011, pp. 532-533
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Confucianism and Modern China. The Lewis Fry Memorial Lectures, 1933–4, delivered at Bristol University by Reginald F. Johnston. 7¾ × 5, pp. 272, ills. 7. London: Victor Gollancz, 1934. 8 s. 6 d.
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- 15 March 2011, pp. 533-534
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The Principal Manuscripts of the Rubá'iyyá of 'Umar-i-Khayyám in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. Transcribed and edited with introductory notes by DrBartholomew Csillik. Vol. I. 10 × 7, pp. lxii + 168. Travaux de la bibliothèque universitaire de Szeged, No. 4. Szeged, 1934. London: Luzac and Co., 1934.
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- 15 March 2011, p. 535
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Medieval Indian Sculpture in the British Museum. By Ramaprasad ChandaRai Bahadur, late Superintendent of the Archæological Section, Indian Museum, Calcutta. Introduction by R. L. Hobson, Keeper of Dept. of Oriental Antiquities, British Museum, pp. xiv + 75 + 1, pls. xxiv. London: Kegan Paul, 1936. 10s. 6d.
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- 15 March 2011, pp. 535-536
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Die Arbeiterwanderungen in Südostasien. Von DrKarl Joseph Pelzer. 8¾ × 5¾, pp. vi + 126, maps 3 (in the text). Hamburg: Friederichsen, de Gruyter & Co., 1935.
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- 15 March 2011, pp. 536-537
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Indian Influences in Old-Balinese Art. By DrWilhelm F. Stutterheim. 10 × 7¼, pp. xiii + 41, pls. xxiii, map 1. London: The India Society, 1935. 15s.
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- 15 March 2011, pp. 537-538
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