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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 July 2009
Using university archives and library catalogues as well as letters and diaries belonging to the Schultens, a Dutch family that produced three generations of outstanding Arabists in the 18th Century, this article looks at the circumstances surrounding the purchase of some annotated dictionaries and manuscripts by Leiden University Library.
2 For the history of the three generations of Schultens see Brugman, J. and Schröder, F., Arabic Studies in the Netherlands (Leiden, 1979), pp. 25–30Google Scholar; J. Nat, De studie van de Oostersche talen in Nederland in de 18e en de 19e eeuw (Purmerend, 1929), pp. 37–59, 66–73, 88–99; A.J. van der Aa, Biographisch woordenboek der Nederlanden. Nieuwe uitgaaf (Haarlem, [1878]), vol. 17/I, pp. 526–535; P.C. Molhuysen, P.J. Blok et al., Nieuw Nederlandsch biografisch woordenboek (Leiden, 1911–1937), vol. 5, col. 707–714; J. Fück, Die arabischen Studien in Europa bis in den Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts (Leipzig, 1955), pp. 104–107.
3 On H.A. Schultens's voyage to England see J. van den Berg, “The Leiden Professors of the Schultens Family”, Durham University Journal 75; NS 44 (1982–1983), pp. 9–12. I would like to thank my colleague Hans van de Velde for drawing my attention to this article. Parts of H.A. Schultens's travel diaries and letters to his father have been published in C. van Eekeren & E. Kwant (eds.), Een alleraangenaamste reys: H.A. Schultens, 1772–1773 (Lugd. Bat., 1999). See p. 153 for Schultens's Oxford degree. The original diary is preserved in MS Leiden University Library, Western Manuscripts collection, BPL 245 VIII.
4 Beets, N., Life and Character of J.H. Van der Palm, transl. Westervelt, J.P. (New York, 1865), pp. 10–12Google Scholar. Beets (1814–1903), a well-known Dutch novelist and clergyman, was married to Van der Palm's granddaughter; de Groot, A., Leven en arbeid van J.H. van der Palm (Wageningen, 1960), pp. 16–17Google Scholar.
5 Codd. Or. 269–1199, 4739–4814. On Warner see G.W.J. Drewes, “The Legatum Warnerianum of Leiden University Library”, in Levinus Warner and his Legacy. Three Centuries Legatum Warnerianum in the Leiden University Library (Leiden, 1970), pp. 1–31.
6 According to Dr André Bouwman, curator of western manuscripts, the holdings of the Leiden University Library amounted to 15,700 volumes in 1810 (personal communication). In 1780, J.J. Schultens's private library contained more than 12,000 titles (see below).
7 Berkvens-Stevelinck, C., Magna Commoditas. A History of Leiden University Library, 1575–2000 (Leiden, 2004), p. 56Google Scholar.
8 Molhuysen, P.C., Geschiedenis der Universiteitsbibliotheek te Leiden (Leiden, 1905), pp. 43–44Google Scholar; Siegenbeek, M., Geschiedenis der Leidsche Hoogeschool van hare oprigting in den jare 1575, tot het jaar 1825 (Leiden, 1829–1832), ii, p. 59Google Scholar.
9 Bibliotheca Schultensiana, sive catalogus librorum, quos collegit [. . .] Johannes Jacobus Schultensius, [. . .], qui publica auctione vendentur per Henricum Mostert, Die Lunae 18. Septembri & seqq. 1780. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Henricum Mostert. 605, [3] p.; Molhuysen, Geschiedenis, p. 43: ‘Maar in 1780 werden 81 hss. uit de bibliotheek van J.J. Schultens aangekocht’; Siegenbeek, ii, p. 53: ‘Desgelijks stelden Curatoren, in de jaren 1779, 1782 en 1784, den bibliothecaris op eene onbekrompene wijze in staat, om, bij de openbare veiling der rijke boekverzamelingen van de Heeren J.J. schultens [. . .], van welke de meeste zich in de geleerde wereld een’ grooten naam verwierven, de openbare Boekerij met een aantal merkwaardige Handschriften en voortreffelijke boeken te verrijken.’.
10 Nat, De studie van de Oostersche talen, pp. 102–103.
11 After Willmet's death his collection was put up for sale, see Bibliotheca Willmetiana. Catalogus bibliothecae instructissimae quam in suos usus comparavit Joannes Willmet (Amstelodami, 1837); P. de Jong, Catalogus codicum orientalium Bibliothecae Academiae Regiae Scientiarum (Lugd. Bat., 1862), pp. x, xiii, xvi. According to J.J. Witkam's inventory at, accessed 11 August 2008, the following Mss. formerly belonged to J.J. Schultens: Acad. 26, 31, 48, 52, 55–58, 60, 64, 74, 76, 80, 86, 88, 96, 138, 140, 142, 144, 150–151, 178, 183, 207–208.
12 Catalogus Bibliothecae quam reliquit Henricus Albertus Schultens [. . .] cujus publica fiet distractio, in aedibus defuncti, ad diem 27. Mensi Octobris & seqq. Anni 1794 (Lugd. Bat., apud A. et J. Honkoop, 1794). On the authorship of this catalogue see the preface to the Catalogus librorum ac manuscriptorum bibliothecae Schultensianae, qua, dum in vivis erat, usus est Joh. Henr. van der Palm [. . .] (Lugd. Bat., S. et J. Luchtmans et D. du Mortier et fil., 1841), p. vi. On Scheidius see Nat, De studie van de Oostersche talen, pp. 83–87.
13 De Groot, Leven en arbeid, pp. 52–53.
14 Beets, Life and Character, p. 104.
15 For basic data on H.A. Schultens's family relations see L. van Poelgeest, De Leidse hoogleraren en lectoren 1575–1815. 5: De Letterenfaculteit (Leiden: s.n., 1985), pp. 101–102.
16 MS Leiden University Library, Western manuscripts, Collection Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde, LTK 1567: C.E. de Sitter to J.H. van der Palm, 3 April 1796. Van der Palm left his correspondence to his granddaughter's husband Nicolaas Beets (See above, n. 3). Beets's heirs donated the Van der Palm correspondence to the Society of Netherlands Literature in 1906. Since 1876 the library of the Society constitutes a permanent loan collection of the Leiden University Library.
17 Catalogus librorum ac manuscriptorum Bibliotheacae Schultensianae, qua, dum in vivis erat, usus est Joh. Henr. van der Palm [. . .] accedit ejusdem viri clarissimi Appendix librorum ac manuscriptorum similis argumenti (Lugd. Bat.: S. et J. Luchtmans, et D. du Mortier, 1841). According to the preface, p. vi, the catalogue was prepared by H.E. Weyers or Weijers (1805–1844), Professor of Oriental languages at Leiden and Interpres Legati Warneriani, with the help of his adjutor M. Hoogvliet.
18 Bibliotheeks Archief No. A 4, Libri emti in auctionibus publicis 1837–1855: Emti ex Biblioth. Schultensio-Palmiana, Lugd. Bat. per Luchtmans et Du Mortier, m. Aprili 1841.
19 Bibliotheeks Archief No. F 6, Finanties 1841: ‘Lijst der boeken gekocht op de Auctie Schultens-van der Palm April 1841 (Catal. 751 D 43) met den prijs voor elk boek besteed, van de hand van den heer Bergman’.
20 Molhuysen & Blok, Nieuw Nederlandsch biografisch woordenboek, iv, p. 555.
21 The auction took place in Groningen on 24 October 1836 and the following days. See Bibliotheca Eerdiana, sive Catalogus librorum, qui studiis inservierunt viri clarissimi Jani Rudolphi van Eerde [. . .] (Groningae: apud J. Oomkens Jr., 1836). The Leiden copy, shelfmark 752 E 21, contains the price of each item in handwriting. For the list of Schultens manuscripts see p. 327.
22 Codd. Or. 1353, 1365, 1367, 1376–1387.
23 Schmidt, J., Catalogue of Turkish Manuscripts in the Library of Leiden University and other Collections in the Netherlands, ii (Leiden, 2002), p. 2Google Scholar; Bibliothecae Hamakerianae pars, sive Catalogus librorum [. . .] viri celeb. H.A. Hamaker (Lugd. Bat., 1836); MS Leiden University Library, Bibliotheeks Archief, No. F7, Finanties.
24 MS Leiden University Library, Western manuscripts, collection Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde, LTK 1567: C.E. de Sitter to J.H. van der Palm, 3 April 1796: ‘de Goliussen en wat verder niet op de Cathalogus staat, heb ik op expresse begeerte van mijn overledene man, er uit gehouden, indien mijn jongste zoon niet inclineert voor de studie van zijn vader, zal het mij plaisir doen, Ued in het bezit van het resteerende te zien, en wil Ued gaaren de voorkeur geven, dat niet zo moeilijk zal weezen dewijl mijn man mij ten naasten bij de prijs bepaalt heeft, indien ik het tot verbeetering van mijn omstandigheeden nootzaaklijk mogt oordelen om ze voor die tijd te verkopen’.
25 On S.F.J. Rau see Nat, De studie van de Oostersche talen, pp. 120–121.
26 MS Leiden University Library, Archief van Curatoren der Leidsche Universiteit No. 36, Resolutiën 1804–1811, f. 24r-v; also in P.C. Molhuysen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis der Leidsche Universiteit (’s Gravenhage, 1913–1924), vii, p. 278.
27 MS Leiden University Library, Archief van Curatoren No. 78, Bijdragen tot de Resolutiën: S.F.J. Rau and J.H. Van der Palm to the Trustees of the University of Leiden, 19 September 1806. See also Nat, De studie van de Oostersche talen, pp. 94, 98–99.
28 MS Leiden University Library, Archief van Curatoren No. 36, Resolutiën 1804–1811, f. 46v-47v.; See also Molhuysen, Bronnen, vii, pp. 311–12; MS Leiden University Library, Western manuscripts, collection Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde, LTK 1567: C.E. de Sitter to Van der Palm, 27 September 1806.
29 Algemeene Konst- en Letterbode 1806/II (5 December 1806), pp. 356–358: ‘Een uitmuntende schat van pretieuze Handschriften.’; Nat, De studie van de Oostersche talen, p. 99.
30 MS Leiden University Library, Archief van Curatoren No. 99, Ordonnantiën van betaling, f. 84v.
31 Molhuysen, Bronnen, vi, pp. 35*, 271.
32 MS Leiden University Library, Archief van Curatoren No 36, Resolutiën 1804–1811, ff. 50r-v, 107v; Ibid., No. 207, Accounts of the Chastelain Fund 1805/[1806]: payment of the first instalment of 2,625 guilders; No. 210 (1809): payment of the second instalment of 1,625 guilders; No. 220 (1809): receipt for the amount of 1,625 guilders, signed by Johanna Elisabeth Schultens, daughter of Catharina Elisabeth de Sitter, and her husband P. Durleu, dated 12 Herfstmaand (September) 1809.
33 Freytagius, G.W., Lexicon Arabico-Latinum, 4 vols. (Halis Saxonum, 1830–1837), i, p. viiiGoogle Scholar.
34 Bibliothecae Hamakerianae pars, p. 116, Nos. 1–2; MS Leiden University Library, Bibliotheeks Archief, Finanties F 7.
35 Dozy, R.P.A., Supplément aux dictionnaire arabes (Leiden, 1881), i, p. viiGoogle Scholar. See also ibid., n.2, where Dozy challenges Freytag's statement about his indebtedness to Schultens's Golius.
36 Supplement to the university library acquisitions journal, c. 1816–1860, Bibliotheeks Archief No. C 42bis, vol. x, ‘Hebraici & Orientales in Folio’.
37 Supplement to the university library acquisitions journal, c. 1816–1860, Bibliotheeks Archief No. C 42bis, vol. xi, ‘Litteratores & Historici in Folio’.
38 On H.A. Schultens's efforts to publish an edition of the Majmaʿal-amthāl of al-Maydānī and the copies of manuscripts made for that purpose see A. Vrolijk, “Entirely free from the urge to publish. H.A. Schultens, J.J. Reiske, E. Scheidius and the 18th-century attempts at an edition of the Arabic proverbs of al-Maydānī”, in From codicology to technology Islamic Manuscripts and their place in scholarship. ed. S. Brinkmann & B. Wiesmüller (Berlin, 2009), pp. 59–80.