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Plainchant in medieval Hungary

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  14 July 2009

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The Hungarian tribes came into the Carpathian Basin at the end of the 9th century with the last wave of the great migration. There they founded a new state in a sparsely populated, politically unorganized land. After a hundred years of incursions into Western Europe they accepted Christianity under the rule of Prince Vajk, the later King Stephen, and while they preserved their political independence they integrated themselves into the social and cultural unity of the Latin world. Christmas Day in the year 1000, that is the day of St Stephen's coronation, can be taken as the symbolic date of the introduction of plainchant into Hungary. Some years later the famous monk Arnoldus of Regensburg came to Esztergom (Latin ‘Strigonium’, German ‘Gran’) to consult with the archbishop about the new office composed by Arnold in honour of the patron St Emmeram and to have the ecclesiastical choir of Esztergom sing it for the first time.

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© The Plainsong and Medieval Music Society 1990

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