Sycon compressum is one of the long-recognised sponges, that stand refreshingly conspicuous in a group made difficult with doubtful definitions. The unique dermal spicules, and the striking outward form, divide it from other species in a way quite different from that in which Sycon raphanus is divided from S. villosum or Renicra cinerea from Reniera permollis.
page 378 note * Q. J. M. S., vol. 35.Google Scholar
page 379 note * In the drying of marine organisms the external deposit of salt, and internal concentration of brine, must considerably retard ultimate desiccation; though probably with injurious results to organisms whose protoplasm is not adapted to withstand such salinity.
page 380 note * Loc. cit., p. 18, and Proc. R. S., vol. 64, p. 61.Google Scholar