Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 April 2021
Mojeño Trinitario (Glottocode: trin1274) is a variety of Mojeño, an indigenous language of the Arawak family spoken in Lowland Bolivia. The Trinitario variety of Mojeño is spoken in the Isiboro-Secure Indigenous Territory, the Multiethnic Indigenous Territory, along the Mamoré river, in Trinidad and around the villages of San Lorenzo de Moxos and San Francisco de Moxos (Figure 1). It is spoken by around 3000 speakers () and is endangered by the gradual loss of inter-generational transmission (Crevels 2002). Old Mojeño data (Marbán 1702) has been crucial in the identification of the Arawak family, when Gilij compared it to the Maipure language (Gilij 1780–1784).