Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 March 2014
A basic concept of the theory of models is that of elementary equivalence of similar relational systems: two such systems are said to be elementarily equivalent if they satisfy the same first-order statements or, in other words, if they have the same (first-order) complete theory. It is possible to reformulate this notion of elementary equivalence of systems within the framework of algebraic logic by replacing theories by algebraic structures derived from them or more directly from the systems which are models of these theories. To any such theory T (or model of it), is indeed associated a locally finite polyadic algebra with equality, the underlying Boolean algebra of which is simply the well-known Tarski-Lindenbaum algebra of the theory. It is not hard to prove (see Section 6.1) that two systems are elementarily equivalent iff (i.e. if and only if) they have isomorphic polyadic. algebras. The possibility of replacing theories by algebraic structures and of reducing the purely logical concept of elementary equivalence to the algebraic one of isomorphism can be exploited to give a purely algebraic treatment of model-theoretic problems and suggests natural questions concerning these structures. The present paper illustrates that possibility.
The results of this paper were contained for the most part in Chapter III of the author's doctoral dissertation [4] (Princeton 1959). They were previously announced in [3]. The author is most grateful to the referee for his constructive criticism and his numerous suggestions.