Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 March 2014
Markov's principle is more than a convenience in constructive arithmetic and analysis; it is absolutely essential to significant areas of constructive cardinal arithmetic. In turn, logical relations among intuitively appealing principles of constructive cardinal arithmetic parallel relations between MPS and other “problematic axioms” for constructive mathematics, such as the limited principle of omniscience. Finally, simple closure properties on the Dedekind finite sets provide ready examples of statements which are strictly weaker than Markov's principle and yet are independent of extensions of IZF.
MPS, Markov's principle with variables over sets, is equivalent to each of these elementary properties of ⊿, the class of Dedekind finite sets:
1. ∀A(A Є ⊿ ↔ CP(A)).
2. [*]A Є ⊿ ↔ ∀B (A + B is infinite ↔ B is infinite).
3. [**]A Є ⊿ ↔ ∀B((A + 1) x B is infinite ↔ B is infinite).
CP is Tarski's cancellation property. Consequently, MPS is tantamount, in constructive mathematics, to the standard classical characterizations of ⊿ in terms of cardinality.
[*] and [**] imply that ⊿ is closed under addition and multiplication. Closure under addition is, in turn, constructively equivalent to the closure of ⊿ under all combinatorial functions and to the fact that ⊿ is closed under each strict combinatorial function individually. Generally speaking, a function on P(ω) is combinatorial whenever it preserves finiteness, respects cardinality and has a “moduluslike” associate function. It is strict when it is strictly increasing relative to the subset ordering, [cf. §6 for precise definitions.] From this, we see that MPS is foundational for cardinal arithmetic on the constructive Dedekind finite sets.