Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 March 2014
This paper is mainly concerned with describing complete theories of modules by decomposing them (up to elementary equivalence) into direct products of simpler modules. In §1, I give a decomposition theorem which works for arbitrary direct product theories T. Given such a T, I define T-indecomposable structures and show that every model of T is elementarily equivalent to a direct product of T-indecomposable models of T. In §2, I show that if R is a commutative ring then every R-module is elementarily equivalent to ΠM
M where M ranges over the maximal ideals of R and
M is the localization of
at M. This is applied to prove that if R is a commutative von Neumann regular ring and TR is the theory of R-modules then the TR-indecomposables are precisely the cyclic modules of the form R/M where M is a maximal ideal. In §3, I use the decomposition established in §2 to characterize the ω1-categorical and ω-stable modules over a countable commutative von Neumann regular ring and the superstable modules over a commutative von Neumann regular ring of arbitrary cardinality. In the process, I also prove several general characterizations of ω-stable and superstable modules; e.g., if R is any countable ring, then an R-moduIe is ω-stable if and only if every R-module elementarily equivalent to it is equationally compact.