Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 November 2014
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4 P. Weaver, Repertorium Familiae Caesarum (
5 Vagnari is in Apulia, not Lucania (295), and the tile-stamps found there read Grati / Caesaris, not Gratti / Ti(beri) Caesaris (326). The reference should be to Small, Volterra and Hancock 2003, not'Small – Small 2003”.
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14 Urbicus, Agennius, De controversiis agrorum, 44.30–31 Google Scholar, in Campbell ibid.
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18 Frank, T., An economic survey of Ancient Rome, V (Baltimore, MD 1940) 85 Google Scholar. Cf. Rostovtzeff, M., The social and economic history of the Roman empire (2nd edn., Oxford 1957) vol. I, 345 Google Scholar.
19 Kehoe (supra n.15) 50.
20 Digest (Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus) rescripserunt colonos praediorum fisci muneribus fungi sine damno fisci oportere, idque excutere praesidem adhibito procuratore debere; Coloni quoque Caesaris a muneribus liberantur, ut idoniores praediis fiscalibus habeantur. But imperial policy in this matter was not consistent: Millar (supra n.7) 180; Kehoe (supra n.15) 85-86.
21 Pelham's, H. F. observations (“The imperial domains and the colonate,” in Essays by Henry Francis Pelham [Oxford 1911] 275–99)Google Scholar on vici on imperial estates are still useful.
22 Small, A. M., Vagnari. Il villaggio, l’artigianato, la proprietà imperiale (Bari 2011)Google Scholar. For the villa on the nearby site of San Felice, see supra n.9.
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28 M. Bollini, “Le iscrizioni funerarie,” ibid. 255-63; R. Rossi, “Appendice epigrafica,” ibid. 264-67.
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