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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 November 2014
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36 Aarts and Heeren (supra n.4).
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39 The Thuin cemetery has 32 brooches from 11 graves as part of the complete grave gifts from a total of 55 graves: Faider-Feytmans, G., La nécropole gallo-romaine de Thuin (Mariemont 1965)Google Scholar. At the cemetery of Solre-sur-Sambre 14 graves from a total of 48 graves yielded 28 brooches: Brulet, R., La nécropole gallo-romaine de la Thure à Solre-sur-Sambre (Brussels 1972)Google Scholar.
40 Heeren (supra n.8).
41 Roymans (supra n.17); Nicolay (supra n.18).
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