Published online by Cambridge University Press: 13 March 2009
We derive a dispersion relation for the perpendicular propagation of ioncyclotron waves around the ion gyrofrequency ω+ in a weaklu relaticistic anisotropic Maxwellian plasma. These waves, with wavelength greater than the ion Larmor radius rL+ (k⊥ rL+ < 1), propagate in a plasma characterized by large ion plasma frequencies (). Using an ordering parameter ε, we separated out two dispersion relations, one of which is independent of the relativistic terms, while the other depends sensitively on them. The solutions of the former dispersion relation yield two modes: a low-frequency (LF) mode with a frequency ω < ω+ and a high-frequency (HF) mode with ω > ω+. The plasma is stable to the propagation of these modes. The latter dispersion relation yields a new LF mode in addition to the modes supported by the non-relativistic dispersion relation. The two LF modes can coalesce to make the plasma unstable. These results are also verified numerically using a standard root solver.