Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 July 2015
Stromatoporoids are found in the Dayville and Deansboro Members of the Coeymans Formation in central New York, where they are common to rare. The most common species present are Habrostroma centrotum (Girty) and H. microporum (Girty). Present in lesser numbers are Parallelostroma foveolatum (Girty), Atopostroma sp. 1, A. sp. 2, Coenostroma cf. C. monticuliferum (Winchell), Coenostroma sp., Habrostroma cf. H. centrotum (Girty), and Coenostelodictyon cf. C. krekovi (Yavorsky). Although previously reported from the Coeymans, Coenostelodictyon jewetti (Girty) was not found. Species identifications were based on traditional qualitative methods, supplemented by statistics. The assemblage bears affinities with Lochkovian faunas in Virginia and the Canadian Arctic.