In a more detailed review, we would need to distinguish between general-, network-, and complexity-based accounts of the meso-scale and those accounts that are discipline specific. In discipline-specific definitions of the mesoscale, the etymological meaning of “meso” is prominent (deriving from the Greek word for “middle”). This scale is between two different scales of analysis, each with roughly independent logics of explanation. In condensed matter physics, for example, the mesoscale characterizes a region between the atomic scale, where quantum principles of explanation are needed, and a bulk level, classical scale. In meteorology, the meso-scale is between a microscale and storm-scale cumulus systems (on the low end) and synoptic scale systems (on the high end). So, in similar ways, we could find meso regions of importance in a host of other areas. Discipline specific accounts of meso thus are distinguished by the regions and logics of analysis that characterize their lower and upper scale. We will distinguish physicochemical and biological accounts of nanoscience by means of such discipline specific characterization of the upper and lower domains. Beyond these discipline specific accounts of the meso-scale, there are also general accounts that are informed by complexity and network analysis. In one prominent account that has informed nanoscience in many different disciplinary areas, George Whitesides and colleagues follows complexity theorists: “[t]he distinctive properties of meso-scale systems arise when the characteristic length of a process of interest, such as a ballistic movement of an electron, excitation of a collective resonance by light, diffusion of a redox-active molecule close to an electrode, or an attachment and spreading of a eukaryotic cell, is similar to a dimension of a structure in (or on) which it occurs. These processes involve interactions with small localized ensembles of atoms and molecules.” (
Kumar, A. Abbott, N. Kim, E. Biebuyck, H., and
Whitesides, G.,
“Patterned Self-Assembled Monolayers and Meso-Scale Phenomena,” Accounts of Chemical Research 28, no.
5 [
226. Even when highlighting this general definition, Whitesides et al. highlight the middle level, bridging character of this scale: “Meso-scale systems bridge the molecular and macroscopic.” As a result of the complexity and nonlinear character of the interactions that constitute this middle scale, research practices need to integrate theoretical and experimental techniques from high and low scales. Meso-scale work will thus involve a convergence of top-down and bottom-up strategies. For an example of how a general, network-based account of the meso-scale can work with a discipline specific account in ecology, see
Estrada, E., “Characterization of Topological Keystone Species Local, Global and ‘Meso-Scale’ Centralities in Food Webs,”
Ecological Complexity 4, nos. 1–2 (2007): 48–57.
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