The frequency of post-operative cholesteatomas, epidermizations and retraction pockets in a series of 343 chronically infected ears (315 patients) without cholesteatoma at primary surgery was evaluated. The ears were operated on radically, exclusively by the Palva method, with removal of the bridge in 248 ears and preservation of it in 95 ears. Musculo-periosteal obliteration and seclusion of the aditus were performed in every case with a Palva flap and with a temporalis muscle-fascia graft. The primary operations took place over the period 1964–1972, and all the ears without cholesteatoma at primary surgery were included; they were followed up annually. The evaluation of this material was carried out in 1976–1979 and the follow-up time was on an average of 8.5 years (5–15 years).
Cholesteatoma was found in six (6/343; 1.7 per cent), epidermization of the tympanum in four (4/343; 1.2 per cent), and retraction pockets without cholesteatoma in six (6/343; 1.7 per cent) of the ears. Preservation or removal of the bridge at operation did not cause any significant difference in the frequency of the post-operative complications mentioned (p > 0 05). Most of the complications were discovered after the first postoperative year.