Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 June 2009
Progamotaenia gynandrolinearis sp. nov. is described from the small intestine of Lagorchestes conspicillatus Gould, 1842 from Barrow I., Western Australia. It is distinguished from other species by the small number of testes arranged in a single transverse row. Progamotaenia lagorchestis (Lewis, 1914) is redescribed. The name Progamotaenia thylogale sp. nov. is proposed for a second species described previously under the name P. lagorchestis. Progamotaenia zschokkei (Janicki, 1905), Progamotaenia festiva (Rudolphi, 1819) and Progamotaenia villosa (Lewis, 1914) were also found in L. conspicillatus.