Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Noreiko, Stephen F.
Larousse French–English English–French Dictionary. Unabridged edition. Paris: Larousse, 1993. xv + 978 + vii + 16 (maps) + 1042 + ii. 2 03 4301100 3 - Larousse Standard French Dictionary: French–English English–French. Paris: Larousse, 1994. xxi + 924 + vii + 996 + iv. 2 03 430250 8 - Larousse Concise French Dictionary: French–English English–French. Paris: Larousse, 1993. xv + 555 + 629 + xxxxii 2 03 430300 8 - Larousse Pocket French Dictionary: French–English English–French. Paris: Larousse, 1994. xvi + 360 + 390. 2 03 430700 3.
Journal of French Language Studies,
Vol. 5,
Issue. 1,
Noreiko, Stephen F.
Marie-Hélène Corriard and Valerie Gnandy, Concise Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary. Second edition. Oxford, New York, Toronto: OUP & Hachette, 1998. xxxvii + 1447 pp. 0 19 860242-1 - Beryl Atkins, Alain Duval, Rosemary C. Milne Colins–Robert Unabridged French–English English–French Dictionary. Fifth edition. Glasgow: HarperCollins, 1998. xl + 987 (F–E) + 62 + 1093 (E–F) + 45 (appendices) pp. 0 00 470526–2.
Journal of French Language Studies,
Vol. 9,
Issue. 2,