Published online by Cambridge University Press: 29 March 2006
Electrically and thermally conducting inviscid fluid rotating about a vertical axis is confined between two horizontal plates maintained a t different temperatures, the upper plate being the cooler. The fluid is permeated by a horizontal magnetic field that corotates with the fluid. In an earlier paper (Roberts & Stewartson 1974) the fluid is supposed to be in a state of near-marginal instability to convective overturning and the nonlinear evolution of single rolls is discussed. Inertial terms are neglected. However, if q < 2 and λ < 2/3½, where q and λ may be defined by equation (2.3) below, the principle of the exchange of stabilities holds and there is also a degeneracy in the linear stability problem. There are now two distinct unstable rolls equally possible and their nonlinear interaction leads to a violation of the governing equations. This difficulty has already been noted by Taylor (1963) and it is resolved in this paper by adding a geostrophic motion (the Taylor shear) parallel to the magnetic field and by restoring the inertial terms in the governing equations. We consider particularly instabilities in which one roll predominates and find that, if λ is sufficiently small, each of the rolls that can occur is stable with respect to the other, i.e. an initially weak roll of the other type dies out relative to it. This means that we can expect the fluid motion to consist of single rolls at large times. On the other hand when λ is near 2/3½ both rolls are unstable with respect to the other. The Taylor shear does not then die out and the two rolls become comparable in magnitude and modify each other's structure. At intermediate values of λ one of the rolls is stable in this way and the other unstable.
The study is motivated by a desire to understand better the dynamical means by which a large mass of conducting fluid can create its own magnetism. It is argued that these instabilities suggest the existence of a mechanism of self-adjustment preventing λ from either increasing or decreasing indefinitely and noted that, very roughly, λ is of order unity in the earth's core.