Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 April 2006
A model of the earth's liquid core is assumed in which the underlying magnetic field and velocity are zonal and axially symmetric. Alfvén waves that vary as ei(kϕ−σt) are considered, where ϕ is the angle of longitude. Buoyancy and Coriolis forces Ω × U are included.
For a wide class of basic states and regions of flow, it is shown that roughly as many of the waves with a given k [ges ] 2 propagate eastwards as propagate westwards. All these waves are neutrally stable. The class of basic states is restricted by certain inequalities involving their velocity, magnetic field and entropy gradient.
it is observed that the known equivalence (Malkus 1967) between Alfvén waves with frequencies σ [Lt ] Ω and inertial waves with frequencies σp which are O(Ω) still holds when buoyancy forces are present. The equivalence requires σp2 to be real. If σp is pure imaginary, as is possible (though perhaps uncommon) in an unstably stratified medium, then the corresponding Alfvén wave is not neutrally stable and travels westwards.