Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 February 2009
The prominence of religious issues in eighteenth-century British politics has received growing, and gratifying, recognition in recent years. In particular, attacks upon, and defences of, the doctrine of the Trinity have been seen as central to theological, and hence to political, debate. For many, the term ‘orthodoxy’ without qualification referred to one's position on this question. Although there is perhaps still insufficient emphasis upon trinitarian orthodoxy as a central feature of what is fashionably termed the state's self-image, Unitarianism is rightly perceived as important to critiques of the existing regime, especially after 1750. Historians of the Wilkites, of later eighteenth-century radicalism and of peace campaigns in the Napoleonic period, have cast Unitarians in at least a supporting, and sometimes a leading, role. Yet too often Unitarianism has appeared elusive and difficult to pin down, manyheaded and half-concealed under the vague label of ‘heterodoxy’.
1 Apart from Clark, J. C. D., English Society 1688–1832. Ideology, social structure and political practice during the ancien regime, Cambridge 1985, ch. iv.Google Scholar
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6 London Evening Post, 17–19 July 1753.
7 An Abridgment of the Acts of the General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, from the year 1638 to 1802 inclusive, ed. Gillan, R., Hawick, 1803, 120Google Scholar; Short, Pioneers, 16–21.
8 For some examples see John, Seed, The Role of Unitarianism in the Formation of Liberal Culture, 1775–1851: A social history, unpubl. PhD diss., Hull University 1981. 54–5.Google Scholar
9 Letter of ‘Julian’ in Gentleman's Magazine lxi (1791), 306.Google Scholar
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34 Monthly Review, NS ix (1792), 175.
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36 Lindsey to Frend, 12 Mar. 1791, Frend Papers; Lindsey to John Rowe, 6 Mar. 1792, JRL, Lindsey Correspondence.
37 Estlin to Belsham, 27 Feb. 1791, DWL, MSS 12. 48 (12). There is a list of the founding members of the Unitarian Society in Unitarian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London 1791, 9–14, and in Seed, Unitarianism, 368–71.Google Scholar
38 Lindsey to William Turner of Wakefield, 28 Oct. 1786, DWL, Lindsey Correspondence. Price joined the Unitarian Society in 1791 but died in the same year.Google Scholar
39 Boswell: Laird of Auchinleck 1778–1782, ed. Reed, Joseph W. and Pottle, Frederick A., London 1977, 295.Google Scholar
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45 See F. C. Mather, ‘ Georgian churchmanship reconsidered: some variations in Anglican public worship, 1714–1830’, this JOURNAL xxxvi (1985), 255–83.Google Scholar
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73 The Senator, 1st ser. ii (1791), 339;Google ScholarHouse of Commons Sessional Papers of the Eighteenth Century, 145 vols, ed. Sheila, Lambert, Wilmingham 1975, lxxix. 155, 179Google Scholar ;Lindsey to Tayleur, 9 Apr. 1791, JRL, Lindsey Correspondence.Google Scholar
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