Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 March 2009
To increase the productivity of fields growing direct-seeded upland rice, which usually gives low yields because of weed competition, unsatisfactory establishment and exposure to intermittent drought, an experiment on intercropping of rice with blackgram was conducted in two seasons under rainfed conditions on a sandy loam soil. Blackgram, when intersown simultaneously in one row in every 30 cm wide space left between the stand of 10 cm apart paired rows of rice, reduced the yield of rice by 1·64 t/ha. When one row of blaokgram was intersown, 21 days after sowing of rice (after completing weeding) between the paired rows of rice, rice yield was reduced by only 0·24 t/ha compared with solecropping of rice with weeding. This system provided mean yields of 2·48 t/ha of riceand 0·95 t/ha of blackgram. The price of blackgram being high, it showed a mean monetary advantage of Rs. 2373/ha over sole cropping of rice. The blackgram reduced the weed population appreciably.