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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 July 2018
Come si costruisce un dizionario?
Il patrimonio linguistico della scienza politica è costituito di parole quasi tutte prese a prestito. Questo debito davvero cospicuo è stato contratto, di volta in volta, con il diritto, l'economia, la sociologia, la psicologia, la filosofia e persino la teologia e il giornalismo. Mettendo a confronto l'edizione del 1968 della International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences con gli indici analitici di alcuni importanti testi di scienza politica, Mattei Dogan (1998) ha compilato un inventario di circa duecento parole «importate» dalle altre discipline.
Political Science, because of its many subdisciplines and multiple approaches, strongly needs a specific vocabulary. This article compares eleven dictionaries - in three languages and four different political cultures - to offer a critical overview of the making of a political dictionary. In the first part of the article the author reviews the editorial and methodological features (the number of editors and/or contributors, the average length of the entries, the method of explanation of the entries, the system of cross-references) of the dictionaries chosen. The second part tries to give an account of the (eleven) different typologies of political concepts provided by the editors. The third part of the article is a short review of the entry «political science».
A dictionary is more interesting when each single entry goes beyond a simple report of definitions, taking the aim - as Sartori says - of reconstructing a concept but also forming a concept. New and original classifications and stronger and stimulating linking patterns among concepts are indispensable to a professional political vocabulary as well as to the theory-making. In the last 15 years some steps have been taken - also by these eleven dictionaries - but much work remains to be done.