It will be recalled that, with the agreement of the Brazilian Ministry of the Interior and in close collaboration with the League of Red Cross Societies and the Brazilian Red Cross, the ICRC sent a team to Brazil in May 1970 to study the situation and needs of the Amazonian Indians. The team was led by Mr. S. Nessi, ICRC Delegate-General for Latin America, and comprised three doctors, B. Aakerren, S. Bakker and R. Habersang (who were loaned to the International Red Cross by the West German, Dutch and Swedish Red Cross Societies, which agreed also to meet the cost of the expedition) and a Swiss ethnologist, Mr. R. Fürst. They were joined in Rio de Janeiro by Dr. A. Borges dos Santos, a Brazilian Red Cross doctor. As they penetrated deep into the country, we published information on their journey, on the aid that they gave and on the medical centres that they set up.