Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Rojas-Marín, María Zoraida
Chaparro Diaz, Lorena
Carreño Moreno, Sonia Patricia
Validez y confiabilidad del instrumento Adopción del rol de cuidador con uso de medicamentos.
Avances en Enfermería,
Vol. 41,
Issue. 2,
Li, Kin-Kit
Leung, Cyrus L. K.
Yeung, Dannii
Chiu, Marcus Y. L.
Chong, Alice M. L.
Lam, Beck C. Y.
Chung, Edwin K. H.
Lo, T. Wing
Development and validation of the caregiver needs and resources assessment.
Frontiers in Psychology,
Vol. 14,
Issue. ,