The Arab League Collective Security Pact entered into force on August 23, 1952, following the deposit of the instrument of ratification of Iraq. Saudi Arabia signed the pact on August 18.
During the period reviewed, both the Council and Political Committee of the League held several meetings to consider such political matters as the boycott against Israel, possible united action by the Arab League members against the German Federal Republic if an indemnity treaty with Israel were ratified, and policies to be pursued by Arab League members in the seventh session of the United Nations General Assembly. The sixteenth session of the Council, which had opened on March 16 only to adjourn immediately sine die, resumed meeting in Cairo from September 10 to 23. The agenda of the meeting, over which Aly Maher (Egypt) presided, included 1) general Arab political problems, 2) proposals for the establishment of an Institute of Arab Studies at Columbia University, 3) the budget, 4) organization of Arab propaganda, 5) education of children of Arab refugees, 6) Lebanon's proposal to reorganize the Council's inner structure, 7) the question of opening Council meetings to the public, and 8) the founding of an Arab Court of Justice. The Council decided to hold its meetings in secret.