Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 May 2009
The resumed 24th session of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) was held on December 10 and 13, 1957, under the presidency of Mr. Mohammad Mir Khan (Pakistan). The Council elected as members of the Council Committee on Non-Governmental Organization, Brazil, China, France, the Netherlands, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The Council also elected Morocco to membership on the Technical Assistance Committee to replace the Sudan, which had been elected to ECOSOC, thereby becoming ineligible for TAC as a nonmember of the Council. The appointment of a number of members of ECOSOC commissions was subsequently confirmed by the Council.
1 For a summary of the 24th session, see International Organization, Winter 1958 (Vol. 12, No. 1), p. 118–129CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
2 Document E/L.776.
3 Document E/L.777.
4 Document E/3060 and Add.1.
5 Document E/3059 and Add.1.
6 Document E/3061 and Add.1.
7 Document E/3095.
8 Document E/3093.
9 Document E/L.780/Rev.1.
10 Document E/L.784.
11 Document E/3078.
12 Document E/3079.
13 Document E/3051.
14 Document E/3112.
15 Document E/3058.
16 Document E/3066.
17 Document E/3071.
18 Document E/3070.
19 Document E/3114.
20 Documents E/2977, E/3050, and E/3083 and Corr.1.
21 Document E/L.785.
22 Document E/L.787.
23 Document E/3100.
24 Document E/3073.
25 Document E/L.788.
26 Document E/L.789.
27 UN Press Release No. ECE/GEN/435, May 2, 1958. For a summary of the twelfth session, see International Organization, Summer 1957 (Vol. II, No. 3), p. 505–507Google Scholar.
28 Document E/ECE/317.
29 Economic and Social Council Official Records (26th session), Supplement No. 2. For a summary of the thirteenth session, see International Organization, Summer 1957 (Vol. 11, No. 2), p. 374–375Google Scholar.
30 Economic and Social Council Official Records (24th session), Supplement No. 8. For a summary of the sixth session, see International Organization 05 1956 (Vol. 10, No. 2), p. 294–296Google Scholar.
31 UN Press Release STAT/243, May 15, 1958. For a summary of the ninth session, see International Organization, 08 1956 (Vol. 10, No. 3), p. 436–438Google Scholar.
32 Document E/CN.3/249.
33 UN Press Release SOC/2470, April 3, 1958. For a summary of the thirteenth session, see International Organization, Summer 1957 (Vol. 11, No. 3), p. 507–508Google Scholar.
34 UN Press Release SOC/2414, February 7, 1958. For a summary of the ninth session, see International Organization, Spring 1957 (Vol. 11, No. 2), p. 378–379Google Scholar.
35 Economic and Social Council Official Records (26th session), Supplement No. 7. For a summary of the eleventh session, see International Organization, Spring 1957 (Vol. 11, No. 2), p. 379–381Google Scholar.
36 Economic and Social Council Official Records (24th session). Supplement No. 7. For a summary of the fourth session, see International Organization, Spring 1957 (Vol. 11, No. 5), p. 375–376Google Scholar.
37 UN Press Release EC/1835, May 16, 1958.
38 Document E/CONF.26/9/Rev.1.