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United Nations: General Assembly Resolution on the Critical Economic Situation in Africa
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 04 April 2017

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- Copyright © American Society of International Law 1985
* [U.N. General Assembly Resolution 39/29 was adopted December 3, 1984, without a vote.
[In December 1984, the U.N. Secretary-General appointed the U.N.D.P.Administrator as Director of a new U.N. Office for Emergency Operationsin Africa to oversee responses to the African emergency.
[The I.M.F.-World Bank Development Committee communiques concerningsupport for Africa appear at I.L.M. page 892. The communique of theGroup of Twenty-four addresses the African situation in paragraphs63-68, at I.L.M. page 905. The O.E.C.D. communique addresses the i s suein paragraph 15(f) at I.L.M. page 911, and the the Bonn Summitdeclaration in paragraphs 7 and 9 at pages 880 and 881.]
1 A/39/627.
2 A/39/594.
3 See A/S-ll/14, annex I.
4 E/1984/110, annex.
5 Report of the United Nations Conference on Desertification, Nairobi, 29 August-9 September 1977 (A/CONF.74/36), chap. I.
6 E/1984/110/Add.l.
7 Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-third Session, Supplement No. 15 (A/33/15 and Corr.l), vol. I, part two, annex I.
8 Report of the United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, Paris, 1-14 September 1981 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.82.I.8), part one, sect. A.