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United Nations Conference on Trade and Development: Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods*
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 04 April 2017

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- Treaties and Agreements
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- Copyright © American Society of International Law 1980
[Reproduced from U.N. Document TD/MT/CONF/16 of June 10, 1980.
[The Convention was adopted by consensus on May 24, 1980. The United Nations will open the Convention for signature on September 1, 1980, and it will remain open through August 31, 1981. Thereafter, it will be open for accession by states not signatories. The Convention will enter into force 12 months after 30 states have become contracting parties either by definitive signature, ratification or accession.
[This Convention is the second in the field of transport concluded under UNCTAD auspices . The first, the Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences, done April 6,1974, appears at 13 I.L.M. 917 ( 1974) . ]
*/ For the report of the United Nations Conference on a Convention on International Multimodal Transport on its resumed session (8-24 May 1980), see TD/MT/C0HP/l6/Add.1.