Published online by Cambridge University Press: 19 September 2011
A questionnaire survey was conducted to find out the information and knowledge of extension workers on thresholds of cotton bollworms, (Helicoverpa armigera and Diparopsis castanea). A sample of 30 extension officers was interviewed in Southern and Central provinces of Zambia. The results showed crucial deficiencies in extension worker's knowledge on thresholds of key pests and their implementation in cotton IPM. More than 60% extension officers were not aware of the basic information and knowledge such as thresholds of cotton bollworms, the recommended time to start scouting (weeks after germination of cotton) and the number of cotton plants to be examined for pest observance in each field. All extension officers indicated a desperate need for more field oriented practical training on thresholds. The recent increase in the incidence of aphids, Aphis gossypii as reported by 50% extension workers is obviously due to calendar sprays of synthetic pyrethroids and the lack of a suitable aphicide in current spray programme. Demonstrations on the practical aspects of thresholds deserve much more attention at college level and also during the in-service training. More co-operation in cotton IPM training for extension officers within Central and Southern Africa is suggested.
Une enquete questionnaire a ete menee aupres de techniciens agionomes afin de determines leurs informations et connaissances a propos du cycle du vers du cotonnier, Helicoverpa armigera et Diparopsis castanea. Un echantillon de 30 techniciens a ete interviewe dans les provinces Sud et centrales de Zambie. Les resultats montrent un mannque crucial de connaissances des cycles des principaux insectes nuisibles et de leurs developpments pour le controle de ces malaities parasitoses. Plus de 60% des techniciens ne sont pas an courant des informations de base sur le senil cutique pour le vecs du cotonnier, sur la periode recommandec pour commencer l'observation (nombre de remaines apies la germination du coton), le nombre de plants a examiner pour un bon controle dans chaque champ et 1 interval entre chaque observation. Tons los techniciens indiopment un bessoin desespere de formation pratique a propos de cycle. La recente augmentation de la presence de pucerons relatee par 50% de ces travoilleurs et manifestement due an calendrier de vapousation/arrosage des pyrethroids et an manque d'aphicide appropue dans ces programmes d'arrosage. Les cours sur les aspects practiques de ces cycles et senils critiques reqoivent un accual tries chaleureux/beaucoup d'attention all niveau des colleges et aussi loss de formation su le ternain. Plus de cooperation dans la formation cotonnieve IPM est souhaitee en Afrique Centrale pour ces techniciens.