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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 February 2019
Legal information systems were designed neither for the comparativist, nor for the legal scholar, but for the national legal practitioner. Since comparativists, however, are both academics and lawyers, they can hope to participate in computerized legal information systems (c.l.i.s.) even if they are not conceived with their purposes in mind. As a matter of fact, these systems can help the comparativist to a limited extent. In order to find out the limits of usefulness of legal information systems for the comparativist, one needs first to outline the peculiarities of usage of c.l.i.s. for use by lawyers in general, legal academics in general, and legal comparativists and describe the problems to be solved; second, one needs to ask how the German systems meet the requirements so outlined; third, one should add, in the respective context, some proposals for improving the present situation.
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