Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Prentice, Heather A.
Chan, Priscilla H.
Champsi, Jamila H.
Clutter, Dana S.
Maletis, Gregory B.
Mohan, Vivek
Namba, Robert S.
Reddy, Nithin C.
Hinman, Adrian D.
Fang, Andrew S.
Yian, Edward
Navarro, Ronald A.
Norheim, Elizabeth P.
Paxton, Elizabeth W.
Temporal Trends in Deep Surgical Site Infections After Six Orthopaedic Procedures Over a 12-year Period Within a US-based Healthcare System.
Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons,
Martín-Arévalo, José
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Garzón-Hernández, Luisa Paola
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Sánchez-Lara, José Saúl
Martínez-Ciarpaglini, Carolina
Pla-Martí, Vicente
Seasonal and cyclical variations in short-term postoperative outcomes of colorectal cancer: a time series analysis.
Scientific Reports,
Vol. 15,
Issue. 1,
Anioke, Tochi
Fei, Yizhou
Stuart, Christina M.
Colborn, Kathryn L.
Healy, Garrett L.
Dyas, Adam R.
Bronsert, Michael R.
Henderson, William G.
Meguid, Robert A.
Seasonality of surgical site infection rates across a broad surgical sample and diverse health system.
American Journal of Infection Control,