Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Rusev, I. T.
Kuzin, A. A.
Malikova, E. A.
Kozlov, K. V.
Zhdanov, K. V.
Beznosik, R. V.
Karpushchenko, V. G.
Sechin, A. A.
Bulygin, M. A.
Shinkareva, O. G.
Orlova, E. S.
Nechaeva, Yu. V.
Сomparative epidemiological and demographic characteristics of TB and HIV infections among military personnel of the Russian Federation and USA armed forces and armed forces of National liberation army of people’s Republic of Сhina.
HIV Infection and Immunosuppressive Disorders,
Vol. 13,
Issue. 2,