Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by
Jones, Malia
Khader, Karim
Branch-Elliman, Westyn
Estimated Impact of the US COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign—Getting to 94% of Deaths Prevented.
JAMA Network Open,
Vol. 5,
Issue. 7,
La, Jennifer
Fillmore, Nathanael R.
Do, Nhan V.
Brophy, Mary
Monach, Paul A.
Branch-Elliman, Westyn
Factors associated with the speed and scope of diffusion of COVID-19 therapeutics in a nationwide healthcare setting: a mixed-methods investigation.
Health Research Policy and Systems,
Vol. 20,
Issue. 1,
La, Jennifer
Wu, Julie Tsu-Yu
Branch-Elliman, Westyn
Huhmann, Linden
Han, Summer S.
Brophy, Mary
Do, Nhan V.
Lin, Albert Y.
Fillmore, Nathanael R.
Munshi, Nikhil C.
Increased COVID-19 breakthrough infection risk in patients with plasma cell disorders.
Vol. 140,
Issue. 7,
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Shavaleh, Rasoul
Forouhi, Mahtab
Disfani, Hamideh Feiz
Kamandi, Mostafa
Oskooi, Rozita Khatamian
Foogerdi, Molood
Soltani, Moslem
Rahchamani, Maryam
Mohaddespour, Mohammad
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The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in reducing the incidence, hospitalization, and mortality from COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Frontiers in Public Health,
Vol. 10,
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Stowe, Julia
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Vo, Austin D.
La, Jennifer
Wu, Julie T.-Y.
Strymish, Judith M.
Ronan, Matthew
Brophy, Mary
Do, Nhan V.
Branch-Elliman, Westyn
Fillmore, Nathanael R.
Monach, Paul A.
Factors Associated With Severe COVID-19 Among Vaccinated Adults Treated in US Veterans Affairs Hospitals.
JAMA Network Open,
Vol. 5,
Issue. 10,
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Epsi, Nusrat J
Lindholm, David A
Malloy, Allison M W
Maves, Ryan C
Berjohn, Catherine M
Lalani, Tahaniyat
Smith, Alfred G
Mody, Rupal M
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Mende, Katrin
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Pollett, Simon D
Powers, John H
Cowden, J
Darling, M
DeLeon, S
Lindholm, D
Markelz, A
Mende, K
Merritt, S
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Turner, N
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Carl, R
Bazan, S
Love, P K
Dimascio-Johnson, N
Ewers, E
Gallagher, K
Larson, D
Rutt, A
Blair, P
Chenoweth, J
Clark, D
Chambers, S
Colombo, C
Colombo, R
Conlon, C
Everson, K
Faestel, P
Ferguson, T
Gordon, L
Grogan, S
Lis, S
Mount, C
Musfeldt, D
Odineal, D
Perreault, M
Robb-McGrath, W
Sainato, R
Schofield, C
Skinner, C
Stein, M
Switzer, M
Timlin, M
Wood, S
Banks, S
Carpenter, R
Kim, L
Kronmann, K
Lalani, T
Lee, T
Smith, A
Smith, R
Tant, R
Warkentien, T
Berjohn, C
Cammarata, S
Kirkland, N
Libraty, D
Maves, R
Utz, G
Chi, S
Flanagan, R
Jones, M
Lucas, C
Madar, C
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Uyehara, C
Agan, B
Andronescu, L
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Epsi, N
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Laing, E
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Malloy, A
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Olsen, C
Parmelee, E
Pollett, S
Richard, S
Rozman, J
Rusiecki, J
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Scher, A
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Clark, D
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Madar, C
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Broder, C
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Laing, E
Lanteri, C
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The burden of incidental SARS-CoV-2 infections in hospitalized patients across pandemic waves in Canada.
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The Journal of Infectious Diseases,
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Doron, Shira
Monach, Paul A.
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Improving COVID-19 Disease Severity Surveillance Measures: Statewide Implementation Experience.
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Differentiating patients admitted primarily due to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) from those admitted with incidentally detected severe acute respiratory syndrome corona-virus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) at hospital admission: A cohort analysis of German hospital records.
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology,
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Meta-analysis of Cognitive Function Following Non-severe SARS-CoV-2 Infection.
Neuropsychology Review,
Trottier, Caitlin A.
La, Jennifer
Li, Lucy
Fillmore, Nathanael R.
Monach, Paul A.
Doron, Shira
Branch-Elliman, Westyn
Longitudinal trends in 30-day mortality attributable to SARS-CoV-2 among vaccinated and unvaccinated US veteran patients.
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology,
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Identification of predictive patient characteristics for assessing the probability of COVID-19 in-hospital mortality.
PLOS Digital Health,
Vol. 3,
Issue. 4,
Anand, Sonia T.
Vo, Austin D.
La, Jennifer
Brophy, Mary
Do, Nhan V.
Fillmore, Nathanael R.
Branch‐Elliman, Westyn
Monach, Paul A.
Risk of severe coronavirus disease 2019 despite vaccination in patients requiring treatment with immune‐suppressive drugs: A nationwide cohort study of US Veterans.
Transplant Infectious Disease,
Vol. 26,
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