Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 September 2014
1 Kaminsky, Amy Katz, “Nearly New Clarions: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Pays Homage to a Swedish Poet” in Valis, Noël and Maier, Carol, eds., In the Feminine Mode: Essays on Hispanic Women Writers (Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 1990), 31–53, here 42–44.Google Scholar
2 For those who might be interested, Vieira's sermon in Spanish translation is in the appendix of the fourth volume of the critical edition It was also appended to the 1700 Fama Fama y obras posthumas For this side of Vieira see Cantel, Raymond, Prophétisme et messianisme dans l'oeuvre d'Antonio Vieira (Paris Ediciones Hispano-Americanas, 1960)Google Scholar
3 Paz, Octavio, Sor Juana and the Traps of Faith, trans Peden, Margaret Sayers (Cambridge, MAHarvard University Press, 1988)Google Scholar
4 Ibid, 257
5 Ibid, 175
6 de la Cruz, Juana Inés, The Answer/La Respuesta Including a Selection of Poems, ed and trans Arenal, Electa and Powell, Amanda (New York Feminist Press, 1994), 59Google Scholar
7 Paz, , Sor Juana or the Traps of Faith, 176.Google Scholar
8 ibid., 177-789
9 Vetancurt, Augustin, Teatro mexicano Descripción breve de los sucessos exemplares de la Nueva España en el nuevo mundo occidental de las Indias (Madrid, 1692)Google Scholar
10 de Arce, Juan Diaz, De Studios Biblorum in Membrive, Bernardino, ed., Compendium opens de studioso bibliorum (Rome: Antonius de Rubeis, 1751), 8–10.Google Scholar