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Elite Schooling during the French Revolution
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 February 2017

- Type
- Essay Review III
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- Copyright
- Copyright © 1977 by New York University
1. A good recent example for the ancien régime is Frijhoff, Willem and Julia, Dominique, Ecole et société dans la France de l'ancien régime: Quatre exemples: Auch, Avallon, Condom et Gisors (Paris, 1975). For the nineteenth century articles by Harrigan, Patrick and Vincent, Gerard are representative of this school; for example, Harrigan, , “Secondary Education and the Professions in France during the Second Empire,” Comparative Studies in Society and History, 9 (1975): 83–104, and Vincent, , “Les Professeurs du second degré au début du XXe siècle: Essai sur la mobilité sociale et la mobilité géographique,” Le Mouvement social, number 55 (1966): 47–73.Google Scholar
2. See Morange, Jean and Chassaing, Jean-Francois, Le Mouvement de réforme de l'enseignement en France 1760–1798 (Paris, 1974), the part by Morange especially.Google Scholar
3. Cobban's, Alfred article on parlements can be found in his Aspects of the French Revolution (New York, 1968).Google Scholar
4. Behrens, , The Ancien Régime (London, 1967).Google Scholar
5. Bien, David D., The Calas Affair (Princeton, 1960).Google Scholar
6. Cobban, , A History of Modern France (Baltimore, 1963), I, pt. II, chs. 3 and 4.Google Scholar
7. For these details consult Carré, Gustave, L'Enseignement secondaire à Troyes du Moyen Age à la Révolution (Paris, 1888) and Doyen, Henri, Histoire des collèges de Soissons (Soissons, 1974).Google Scholar
8. A good portrait of Herr is found in Bourgin, Hubert, L'Ecole normale et la politique (de Jaurès à Léon Blum) (Paris, 1938), by a socialist normalien turned rightist in the thirties.Google Scholar
9. O'Boyle, Leonora, “The Problem of an Excess of Educated Men in Western Europe, 1780–1850,” Journal of Modern History, 42 (1970): 471–495; and Weber, Eugen, “Inheritance and Dilettantism: The Politics of Maurice Barrès,” Historical Reflections, 2 (1975): 109–131.Google Scholar