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- Copyright © The Classical Association 1976
page 197 note 5 *Lines of Enquiry. Studies in Latin Poetry. Cambridge U.P., 1976. Pp.xi + 215.£7·75 net.
page 198 note 1 Gallus, Elegy and Rome. By Ross, David O. Jr, Cambridge U.P., 1975. Pp. viii + 176. £6·50 net.Google Scholar
page 198 note 2 Étude sur la composition rythmique d'une épopée. Publications de l'Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail 26. By Lesueur, Roger. Toulouse, 1975. Pp. 549. Fr. 135.Google Scholar
page 198 note 3 Oxford U.P., 1975. Pp. xxxvi + 233. £5·00 net.
page 199 note 1 Further Adventures of a Locked-out Lover, Propertius 2. 17. University of Liverpool Inaugural Lecture Series. Liverpool U.P., 1975. Pp. 23. 40p.
page 199 note 2 B**M. Valeri Martialis Epigrammaton Liber I. Edited with a commentary by Mario Citroni. La Nuova Italia, Firenze, 1975. Pp. xcii + 390. L.7,000.
page 199 note 3 Oxford U.P., 1975. Pp. x + 114. £2·25 net.
page 199 note 4 B**Sallust, Werke und Schriften, Lateinisch-Deutsch. Tusculum. Edited and translated by Wilhelm Schöne and Werner Eisenhut. Heimeran Verlag, Munich, new edition, 1975. Pp. 560. DM.29.
page 199 note 5 The Library of Liberal Arts. Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis, 1975. + 320, with 3 maps. $2.95.