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41 articles in Cambridge Prisms: Global Mental Health
Read article on No prediction without prevention: A global qualitative study of attitudes toward using a prediction tool for risk of developing depression during adolescence Download PDF of No prediction without prevention: A global qualitative study of attitudes toward using a prediction tool for risk of developing depression during adolescence
Read article on Co-design of “Baatcheet,” a peer-supported, web-based storytelling intervention for young people with common mental health problems in India Download PDF of Co-design of “Baatcheet,” a peer-supported, web-based storytelling intervention for young people with common mental health problems in India
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Read article on Combining a guided self-help and brief alcohol intervention to improve mental health and reduce substance use among refugee men in Uganda: a cluster-randomized feasibility trial – CORRIGENDUM Download PDF of Combining a guided self-help and brief alcohol intervention to improve mental health and reduce substance use among refugee men in Uganda: a cluster-randomized feasibility trial – CORRIGENDUM
Read article on Shared experiences, shared support: A qualitative study on the importance of relatability in interpersonal relationships for youth mental health in South Africa Download PDF of Shared experiences, shared support: A qualitative study on the importance of relatability in interpersonal relationships for youth mental health in South Africa