Published online by Cambridge University Press: 18 May 2009
A Banach space E is said to have Mazur's property if every weak* sequentially continuous functional in E” is weak* continuous, i.e. belongs to E. Such spaces were investigated in [5] and [9] where they were called d-complete and μB-spaces respectively. The class of Banach spaces with Mazur's property includes the WCG spaces and, more generally, the Banach spaces with weak* angelic dual balls [4, p. 564]. Also, it is easy to see that Mazur's property is inherited by closed subspaces. The main goal of this paper is to present generalizations of some results of [5] concerning the stability of Mazur's property with respect to forming some tensor products of Banach spaces. In particular, we show in Sections 2 and 3 that the spaces E ⊗εF and Lp(μ, E) inherit Mazur's property from E andF under some conditions. In Section 4, we will also show the stability of Mazur's property under the formation of Schauder decompositions and some unconditional sums of Banach spaces.