Published online by Cambridge University Press: 18 May 2009
Let C be the Cayley algebra denned over the real field. If, for given elements α, β, and γ of a quaternion subalgebra of C, α = βγ, it follows, by associativity, that for any nonzero element δ of the same quaternion subalgebra, α = (βδ)(δ-1γ). For Cayley numbers ζ ξ, and η with ζ = ξη, the relation ζ = (ξδ)(δ-1η) in general only holds when δ is a nonzero real number. Because of the existence of factorization results [1, 2] in the orders of C, the question naturally arises of whether it is possible to choose one-to-one mappings, θ and φ, of C onto itself such that ζ = θξ. φη whenever ζ = ξη. To discuss this question, we make the following definition.