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The Protection of Turkish Citizens Against Expulsion—This Far and No Further? The Impact of the Ziebell Case
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 March 2019
This Article focuses on the Ziebell judgment, in which the European Court of Justice rejected the analogous application of the protection against expulsion for Union citizens to Turkish citizens covered by the Association Agreement. The judgment is placed in the context of the opinion of the Advocate General, the pre-Ziebell judgments of the Court, and judgments of German courts regarding the expulsion of Turkish citizens. On the one hand, against the background of previous case-law of the Court, the judgment might be seen as a setback. On the other hand, the Court's reference to the Long-Term Residents Directive also provides for new interpretative possibilities. Next to the applicability of the directive and the advantages and disadvantages for Turkish nationals triggered by this shift, the interpretative possibilities are discussed in light of fundamental rights and the stand-still obligation anchored in Association Council Decision 1/80.
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- Developments
- Information
- German Law Journal , Volume 14 , Issue 1: Special section - The ESM Before the Courts , 01 January 2013 , pp. 239 - 267
- Copyright
- Copyright © 2013 by German Law Journal GbR
1 Case C-371/08, Ziebell v. Baden-Württemberg, 2011 E.C.R. I-____, available at [hereinafter Ziebell].Google Scholar
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54 Oberverwaltungsgericht Nordrhein-Westfalen [OVGNRW - Higher Administrative Court North Rhine-Westphalia], Case No. 18 A 855/07, Sept. 5, 2008, at para. 68 (Ger.), available at Scholar
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63 Oberverwaltungsgericht Rheinland-Pfalz [OVG Rheinland-Pfalz - Higher Administrative Court Rheinland-Palatinate], Case No. 7 A 10924/06, Dec. 5, 2006, 2007 Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht - Rechtsprechungs-Report (NVwZ-RR) 488, 490 (Ger.); Verwaltungsgerichtshof Baden-Württemberg [VGH Baden-Württemberg -Administrative Court Baden-Württemberg], Case No. 13 S 1917/07, July 22, 2008, 2009 Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht - Rechtsprechungs-Report (NVwZ-RR) 82, para. 35 (Ger.).Google Scholar
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95 Procedural aspects were not addressed by the CJEU in Ziebell and are not addressed in this contribution. The Higher Administrative Court Baden-Württemberg argues that the so-called ‘four-eyes principle’ enshrined in Article 9 Council Directive 64/221/EEC cannot be applied to Turkish workers any longer and bases its finding on the Ziebell judgment. Verwaltungsgerichtshof Baden-Württemberg [VGH Baden-Württemberg - Administrative Court Baden-Württemberg], Case No. 11 S 1361/11, Feb. 10, 2012, 2012 Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht -Rechtsprechungs-Report (NVwZ-RR) 492, para. 35 (Ger.).Google Scholar
96 See Citizenship Directive, supra note 12, at art. 27(1); Directive 64/221/EEC, supra note 11, at art. 2(2), see also LTR Directive, supra note 8, at art. 12(2) (providing the same protection for long-term residents).Google Scholar
97 Handoll, John, Art. 12 Council Directive 2003/109/EC, in EU Immigration and Asylum Law: A Commentary marginal no. 7 (Kay Hailbronner ed., 2010).Google Scholar
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99 Case C-67/74, Bonsignore v. Köln, 1975 E.C.R. 297, para. 6.Google Scholar
100 See Citizenship Directive, supra note 12, at art. 27(2); see also Bonsignore, 1975 E.C.R. 297, para. 7.Google Scholar
101 Case C-325/05, Derin v. Darmstadt-Dieburg, 2007 E.C.R. I-06495, para. 74; Case C- 340/97, Nazli v.Nürnberg, 2000 E.C.R. I-957, para. 61.Google Scholar
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104 Marion Schmid-Drüner, Der Begriff der öffentlichen Sicherheit und Ordnung im Einwanderungsrecht ausgewählter EU-Mitgliedstaaten 410, 431 (2007).Google Scholar
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107 Aufenthaltsgesetz [AufenthG] [Residence Act], July 30, 2004, BGBl. I at 1950, as amended, § 56(1)1a (Ger.).Google Scholar
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111 See Citizenship Directive, supra note 12, at art. 27(2); see also Directive 64/221/EEC, supra note 11, at art. 3(2).Google Scholar
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113 Commission Proposal for a Council Directive Concerning the Status of Third-Country Nationals Who Are Long-Term Residents, at art. 13(3), COM (2001) 127 final (Mar. 13, 2001) [hereinafter Commission Proposal].Google Scholar
114 Nazli, 2000 E.C.R. I-957, at paras. 59, 60, 63.Google Scholar
115 Langeheine, , supra note 94, at marginal no. 127; Marx, supra note 68, at 148; Bast, supra note 106, at 17.Google Scholar
116 Directive, Citizenship, supra note 12, at art. 27(2); Case C-36/75, Rutili v. Ministre de l'intérieur, 1975 E.C.R. 1219, para. 28.Google Scholar
117 Nazli, 2000 E.C.R. I-957, at para. 57. Accord Derin, 2007 E.C.R. I-06495, at para. 35 (referring to genuine and serious threats).Google Scholar
118 LTR Directive, supra note 8, at art. 12(1).Google Scholar
119 Commission Proposal, supra note 113, at art. 13(1).Google Scholar
120 Citizenship Directive, supra note 12, at art. 27(2).Google Scholar
121 Derin, 2007 E.C.R. I-06495, at para. 74.Google Scholar
122 Treaty on European Union art. 5(3), Feb. 11, 1992, 1992 O.J. (C191) 1 [hereinafter TEU].Google Scholar
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125 Üner v. The Netherlands, 2006-XII Eur. Ct. H.R. 873, para. 58.Google Scholar
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127 Langeheine, , supra note 94, at marginal no. 127.Google Scholar
128 Acosta, , supra note 126, at 138.Google Scholar
129 See Presidency Conclusions, Tampere European Council (Oct. 15–16, 1999), para. 21, see also LTR Directive, supra note 8, at pmbl. recital 2 (referring to Tampere Presidency Conclusions). Note that the Tampere Presidency Conclusions are not legally binding.Google Scholar
130 LTR Directive, supra note 8, at pmbl. recital 16. The preamble is not legally binding but, Art. 6(3) TEU provides that fundamental rights as guaranteed by the ECHR and as they result from the constitutional traditions common to the Member States constitute general principles of EU law. Moreover, Acosta argues that the CJEU “will always refer to the case law of the ECtHR” when interpreting the requirements of Art. 12 (3). Acosta, supra note 126, at 122–23.Google Scholar
131 Opinion of Advocate General Bot, supra note 22, at para. 64.Google Scholar
132 Groenendijk, , supra note 91, at 429–431.Google Scholar
133 Alexy, , supra note 108, at marginal no. 10; Narin Tezcan-Idriz, Free Movement of Persons Between Turkey and the EU: To Move or Not to Move? The Response of the Judiciary, 49 Common Mkt. L. Rev. 1621, 1657 (2009).Google Scholar
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138 Boultif v. Switzerland, 2001-IX Eur. Ct. H.R. 497, para. 39.Google Scholar
139 Case C-37/98, The Queen v. Sec'y of State for the Home Dep't ex parte Savas, 2000 E.C.R. I-2927, para. 48; Sevince, 1990 E.C.R. I-03461, at para. 26.Google Scholar
140 This supersedes Association Council Decision 2/76. Nicola Rogers, A Practioner's Guide to the EC-Turkey Association Agreement 27–28 (1999).Google Scholar
141 As to the identical purpose of these two standstill clauses, see The Queen, 2000 E.C.R. I-2927, at para. 50.Google Scholar
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148 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union art. 260, Mar. 25, 1957, 2010 O.J. (C83) 47.Google Scholar
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