Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 March 2019
“Those with a taste for fairy tales seem to have thought that in some Aladdin's cave there is hidden the Community law in its splendour and that on a judge's appointment there descends on him knowledge of the magic words Open Sesame. Bad decisions are given when the judge has muddled the password and the wrong door opens. But we do not believe in fairy tales any more.”
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4 This concept has been elaborated by Authors influenced by F. Geny. According to this view, deciding a case cannot merely consist of subsuming certain facts under a pre-existing rule of law; the decision itself will add to the interpretation of the rule to be applied, and may thus help to define its meaning.Google Scholar
5 This expression tended to accentuate the element of pure and mechanical logic in judicial decision making, while neglecting, or concealing, the voluntaristic, discretionary, element of choice.Google Scholar
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7 See Cappelletti, M., supra, note 2, at 22. The importance of choice in judicial process is accentuated by the willingness of political branches of governments to pass responsibility for difficult decision to the judiciary.Google Scholar
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14 In this context, T. Tridimas uses an evocative metaphor when speaking of general principles as “children of national law, but as brought by the Court they became enfants terribles“. See Tridimas, T., The General Principles of EC Law 4 (Oxford 1999).Google Scholar
15 Tridimas, supra note 14, at 4.Google Scholar
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19 It must be emphasized, in this context, a main difference, between the European Courts, particularly the European Court of Justice, where the jurisdiction is mandatory and the US Supreme Court, where most cases come to it by the procedure known as certiorari and over 95 per cent of these cases are dismissed without any review because they are considered as raising no issue of general importance nor representing major injustice. Thus, “the Washington Justices have the inestimable privilege of being able to decide what to decide.” See Mancini, G F., The US Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice, in Legal Aspects of Integration in the European Union 3 (Emiliou, & O'Keeffe, D. eds., London 1997). It must also be underlined, as brilliantly noted by O'Keeffe, D., that the European Court of Justice is sometime able to reach the same result by using the notion of inadmissibility under article 234. See O'Keeffe, D., Is the Spirit of Article 177 Under Attack? Preliminary Reference and Admissibility, 23 Eur. L. Rev. 509 (1998).Google Scholar
20 A clear exemplification of this attitude is given by the obstinacy of the Court to apply the mandatory requirements doctrine only to indistinctly applicable measures, often manipulating the configuration of the facts of the case, transforming a clearly discriminating measure into an indistinctly applicable measure in order to be able to justify it on the grounds of the mandatory requirement. See Bengoextea, J., et al., Integration and Integrity in Legal Reasoning of the European Court of Justice, in The European Court of Justice 73 (G. De Burca & J.H.H. Wailer eds., Oxford 2001).Google Scholar
21 Case 13/94, P v.S and Cornwall County Council, 1996 E.C.R. I-2143.Google Scholar
22 C-249/96, Grant v. South West Trains Ltd, 1998 E.C.R. I-621.Google Scholar
23 Case 43/75, Defrenne v Sabena, 1976 E.C.R. 455.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
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29 The judgment which gave direct horizontal effects to these provisions was the Case 36/74, Walrave v. Kock, 1974 E.C.R. 1405.Google Scholar
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33 Defrenne, , supra note 23, para 7.Google Scholar
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35 Defrenne, , supra note 23, para 1.0Google Scholar
36 Rasmussen, H, supra note 3, at 62.Google Scholar
37 Rasmussen, H., supra note 3, 32.Google Scholar
38 Cappelletti, M., supra note 2, at 6.Google Scholar
39 Defrenne, , supra note 23, at 489.Google Scholar
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41 Rasmussen, H., supra on law. note 3, at 29.Google Scholar
42 Van Gend en Loos, supra note 25 at para. 13, where the Court indicated that a Treaty provision can be directly effective only if it is not “qualified by any reservation on the part of States which would make its implementation conditional upon a positive legislative measure enacted under national law”.Google Scholar
43 Hartley, T., Constitutional Problems of the European Union 42, note 70 (Oxford 1999).Google Scholar
44 See, Constantinesco, V., The ECJ as A Law Maker: Praeter aut Contra Legem?, in Liber Amicorum, supra note 5, at 79.Google Scholar
45 The Court reached its goal. In fact after the judgment the Commission started to do its job properly and brought a number of actions against the failing Member States. See Mancini, G.F. & Keeleng, D., From ERT to CIFLT: The Constitutional Challenge Facing the European Court, in Year Book of European Law 10 (1991).Google Scholar
46 So called because it was introduced for the first time by Brandeis in the case of Muller v Oregon, 208 U.S. 412, when before becoming a Judge of the Supreme Court, he worked as a lawyer before the same Court. Brandeis managed to prove that the physical differences and differences to attitude regarding work between men and women were such as to permit a State to prohibit a working day of over 10 hours for women alone. Basically, by presenting for the defence of his argument a voluminous documentation of a medical, sociological and psychological nature, Brandeis convinced the Court that the measure in question was not discriminatory since there were significant differences between the two sexes which legitimated it, and it was thus not in conflict with the Federal Constitution.Google Scholar
47 Defrenne, , supra note 23, at 492, AG conclusions: He referred to the Case 28-67, Molkerei-Zentrale Westfalen Lippe, 1968 E.C.R. 206, where the Court, in spite of the possible economical consequences, decided to not alter its interpretation of Article 90 (ex 95), declaring that the argument was not by itself of such a nature as to call in question the correctness of that interpretation.Google Scholar
48 Defrenne, , supra note 23, at 492, AG Conclusions.Google Scholar
49 Id. at para 71.Google Scholar
50 Id. at 72-73.Google Scholar
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53 In other words, a ruling which has an effect ex nunc and not ex tunc.Google Scholar
54 See Wyatt, D., Prospective Effect of a Holding of Direct Applicability, Eur. L. Rev. 399 (1976).Google Scholar
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58 Great Northern Railway v. Sunburst Oil and Refining Co. 287 US 358 (1932).Google Scholar
59 Arnull, A., The European Court and Judicial Objectivity: A Reply to Professor Hartley, L. Q. L. R. 414 (1996).Google Scholar
60 Linklatter v. Walke,r 381 U.S. 618 (1964).Google Scholar
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63 Hamson, C., “Methods of interpretation- a Critical Assessment of the Results” in Reports of a Judicial and Academic Conference (Luxemburg, 1976) p II-15.Google Scholar
64 Hartley, , supra note 43, at 41.Google Scholar
65 Hartley, , supra note 57, at 97.Google Scholar
66 Diplock, Sir K., The Courts as Legislators, in The Lawyer and Justice 281 (B. W. Harvey ed., 1978).Google Scholar
67 See, Lenaerts, K., Le Juge et la Constitution aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique et Dans L'Ordre Juridique Europeen 703 (Bruxelles 1988).Google Scholar
68 See, Tridimas, , supra note 3, at 201.Google Scholar
69 See, Keeling, , supra note 3, at 534.Google Scholar
70 A method that tends to emphasize the manifest significance of legal rights created by EC law.Google Scholar
71 See, Cappelletti, M. & Golay, D., Judicial Branch in the Federal and Transnational Union, in Integration Trough Law 333, note 281 (M. Cappelletti, et al, eds., Vol I, Berlin 1986).Google Scholar
72 Council Directive 76/207 on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women as regards access to employment, vocational training and promotion, and working conditions 1976 O.J. (L39/40).Google Scholar
73 Cambell, A. & Lardy, H., Discrimination Against Transsexuals in Employment, 21 Eur. L. Rev. 413 (1996).Google Scholar
74 For a deep analysis of these cases see Tridimas, supra note 14, at 69.Google Scholar
75 P v. S, supra note 20, at 2157.Google Scholar
76 It is a typical formula, as seen in Defrenne, which indicates the Court's will to adopt a teleological interpretative approach.Google Scholar
77 Flynn, L., Case Note on P.v.S. and Cornwall Council, 34 Common Market L. Rev. 384 (1997).CrossRefGoogle Scholar
78 P v.S, supra note 21, at para 19.Google Scholar
79 See, Flynn, L., supra note 77, at 384.Google Scholar
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81 See, Tridimas, supra note 14, at 70.Google Scholar
82 P v.S, supra note 21, at para 21.Google Scholar
83 Denys, C., Homosexuality: a non-issue in Community Law?, 24 Eur. L. Rev. 422 (1999).Google Scholar
84 P v.S, supra note 21, at para 22.Google Scholar
85 Tridimas, , supra note 14, at 70.Google Scholar
86 This should be a concrete explication of what I affirmed in the first part of the paper, when I contested the common opinion according to which judicial creativity should be present only in activist or pro-integration decisions and not in the cases where the Court decides to adopt an approach of self-restraint. See, supra section 1.3.Google Scholar
87 Grant, , supra note 22, at para 27.Google Scholar
88 Grant is compared with a male homosexual.Google Scholar
89 Dennys, , supra note 83, at 423.Google Scholar
90 Wintemute, R., Recognising New Kinds of Direct Discrimination: Transsexualism, Sexual Orientation and Dress Codes, 60 M. L. R. 345 (1997). See also, Bamforth, N., Sexual Orientation Discrimination after Grant v South-West Trains, M. L. R. 63 (2000).Google Scholar
91 See Flynn, supra note 77, at 381; C. Barnard, P.v S: Kite Flying or New Constitutional Approach?, in The principle of Equal Treatment in E.C. Law 78 (A. Dashwood & S. O'leary eds., London 1997).Google Scholar
92 Grant, , supra note 21, at 633.Google Scholar
93 P v S, supra note 22, at para 21.Google Scholar
94 Where the Court took “a tentative step to underline that the Union is not only about securing market freedoms but also achieving social justice”, Barnard, supra note 91, at 70.Google Scholar
95 Hartley, T., The Foundations of European Community Law 78 (1998).Google Scholar
96 Supra section 2.1.Google Scholar
97 Where the Court affirms that the transsexual's discrimination is based on the sex of the person concerned.Google Scholar
98 See, Denys, , supra note 83, at 424.Google Scholar
99 Grant, , supra note 21, at para 33.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
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103 P v. S., supra note 21, point 42 AG Elmer.Google Scholar
104 As Flynn has pointed out, “protection of homosexuals in relation to decisions to appoint, promote, or dismiss employees would affect more employers than the protection of transsexuals. Besides, there was the prospect that employment-related benefits such as health insurance, pension coverage and other advantages would have to be extended to the partners of lesbians and gay men.” Flynn, supra note 77, at 381.Google Scholar
105 Id.Google Scholar
106 Grant, , supra note 22, at para 35CrossRefGoogle Scholar
107 Id. at point 17 AG Elmer.Google Scholar
108 Id. at para 36.Google Scholar
109 Id. at para 48.Google Scholar
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114 See, Posner, R., Law and Legal Theory in UK and USA 14 (Oxford 1996); T. Tridimas, Judicial Review and The Community Judicature: Towards a new European Constitutionalism?, 3 T. L. J. 119 (2001).Google Scholar
115 Supra note 72.Google Scholar
116 Cappelletti, & Golay, , supra note 71, at 327, emphasis added.Google Scholar
117 J.H.H Wailer, Federalism and Constitutionalism: Europe's Sonderweg, 13 Harvard Jean Monnet Paper (10-2000). He explains the meaning of the principle of the Principle of Tolerance in the usual brilliant way: “constitutional actors in the Member States accept the European Constitutional discipline not because as a matter of legal doctrine…. They accept it as a it as a an autonomous voluntary act…. The Quebecois are told in the name of the people of Canada, you are obliged to obey. The French or the Italians or the Germans are told: in the name of peoples of Europe, you are invited to obey…. When acceptance and subordination is voluntary, it constitutes an act of true liberty and emancipation from collective self-arrogance and constitutional fetishism: a high expression of Constitutional Tolerance”Google Scholar
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